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When will a Canadian team win the Stanley Cup? Which one? Will it be during Bettman's reign?

Hicks66 7 Aug 27
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I have gotten off of men's hockey in the past few years. So much so that I did not watch a single game last year. I am involved as a volunteer in the Canadian Women's Hockey League and enjoy just about everything about the women's game. When you consider the fact that the two best hockey games anywhere in the past six years have been the women's gold medal games at the Olympics, you have to realize there something about the game. t
Another thing I admire about the women's game the passion with which they the game. It really infectious. So i don't really care all that much about the NHL and but I will say that the season after Bettman retires the Habs will bring the Stanley Cup back to Canada!

Simmer51 Level 6 Sep 10, 2018

Hey, you think Wichenheiser's new position with the Leafs is a step forward or a compromise? I don't have an opinion so much myself. I figure any success she gets is richly deserved.


I'd actually like to see the Leafs win the Cup.


Who cares? Panem et Circenses. It means nothing except to the wealthy businessmen and players who collect massive subsidies from the rest of us, who are too stupid to do anything about it.

Arouet Level 7 Aug 27, 2018

Aw, yer just cheezed cuz yuh lost Gretzky and Gilmour to cities you have every right to hate. (none of this is written in earnest, btw.) And I shall relish any bread or circus that comes my way.

I agree with your "Panem et Circenses" because that's what it is. It's a diversion from everyday life, from our struggles and worries, and from how badly we are being screwed over by the system. It's no different from ancient Rome. Anything to keep the population distracted and under Control.


Really it comes down to the players on the winning team and that still typically amounts to a bunch of Canadians getting paid big U$'s to play hockey and win the cup so some American who can't even follow the puck can tell his buddies what a cool dude he is. His buddies will usually applaud and then ask each other which game is hockey?

Surfpirate Level 9 Aug 27, 2018

True. Check any roster and you'll find Canada well represented. But it irks me to see the Leafs and Habs wallow in mediocrity.

@Hicks66 It's not lack of talent but lack of money at the root of it. It could be worse, the Americans could move in on Lacrosse next, what's left? Curling?

@Surfpirate Yeah. Sigh. If it wasn't for the hard cap, Toronto could spend their way to a cup. That is if the spectre of Ballard isn't still haunting the minds of those who hold the keys to the coffer.

@Hicks66 You said the B word, had a little spit up there for a moment.

@Surfpirate I wonder why they hide the figures for how many people get arrested for attempting to piss on his grave.

@Hicks66 Don't get me started, there's a good reason why I no longer live in Toronto, way too much bullshit for me, mostly from people who are new to the area. I'm quite happy just living on my island in the St.Lawrence now.

@Surfpirate Um, which country got the gold medal for curling again? Lol. I doubt curling would catch on in the United States, we don't even fully embrace soccer.

@Captain747ex If you were from the Upper Peninsula you'd get curling and you wouldn't even need a computer enhanced smart rock to figure it out like the Americans need for hockey. 😉 What next? Real Beer?

@Surfpirate Yeah, I don't understand how it's hard to follow the puck. I can follow it just fine. Curling is interesting, I only watched it during the Olympics. I don't see me watching it all the time or getting into it like I do hockey. As for beer, not a fan. Mixed drinks is another story.


He really dislikes Canada, but I don't think he can stop us getting the cup. The Oilers. This season. No really ...

Umbral Level 8 Aug 27, 2018
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