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ever noticed that there's a unicorn on your Canadian passport?


Lukian 8 Sep 12
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Yet the coat of arms has nothing to represent the people who were here in the first place, kind of sends the message that they don't count.

good point.


Never saw a Canadian passport that is black. Only ones I've seen are red. Maybe it's different from Province to Province? In the US they are blue.

Speaking of passports (when am I ever going to get to say this again?) I heard the US has an RFDI chip in it to track people. Mine expired a few years ago, so I took it apart. Didn't find anything. Mythbusters were going to do an episode on RFID chips. Adam did an interview, and basically said they were told they couldn't do it.

Canadian passports are dark blue (very similar to the US ones). Red passports are usually Chinese, Japanese and so many others. []

@Lukian Interesting. I guess the only ones I saw were from Montreal. Or so I thought. Maybe she was French? IDK thought they were from Canada. I'm a sucker for French Canadians. The girls barely spoke English, so maybe I'm wrong.

@TheGreatShadow yep the French passport is red.

@Lukian The case is solved! Could have swore they were from Canada, but this was almost 10 years ago. Oh well. Ever look at the Ethiopian one? Looks like a pentagram.


Well, being apart of the British Commonwealth, Scotland's national animal is a unicorn.

Nonsense. You're thinking of the Isle of Man. Scotland's national animal is the Haggis.

@Arouet I think you're thinking of national food. Their national animal is indeed the unicorn.

No Scot would ever acknowledge an imaginary animal as a national symbol. The true symbol is the Haggis, an elusive omnivorous dimorphic mammal of the Suidae family, scientific name: Sus Scottis, whose range is NW Scotland and parts of Norway. They are known for their shaggy, rectilinear coat, high keening call, and vicious temper. Once a game animal, hunting the Haggis is now forbidden due to the high mortality rate among tourist hunters. While the unicorn may appear on the coat of arms, this is considered a Sassanach innovation without merit. I hope this helps.

@Arouet But, they are both mythical beings. I guess if it floats your boat, sail on.


As a Canadian I've always wanted to be a unicorn, especially when I am talking to Trump supporters. 😀

Surfpirate Level 9 Sep 12, 2018

In or around 30% approve of this guy. Justin should have punched him in the face. Why in the fuck is he trying to piss off countries like Canada? You never did shit to us! Makes me mad.

@TheGreatShadow Actually, Canadians talk a lot of shit about Americans but at least we don't hate you for your freedoms like the rest of the world apparently does. 🙂

@Surfpirate I hear you loud and clear. Well, not actually hear... you know what I mean. Justin announced he would let Americans to come to Canada if dipshit became president. Dipshit is deporting legal citizens. But we are the greatest country in the world...

@TheGreatShadow I wonder how many Americans would come to Canada if they knew they would have to check their guns at the border with the Mounties? 🙂

@Surfpirate Only one in 3 households in the US have them. But, the ones that do have shitloads (usually). I can't cross a state line without a permit. Costs $5. But, I wouldn't try to get into country lines! If I moved to Canada, just need a clean record, no firearms. If you want to know about gun laws in the US, I can tell you a lot.

@TheGreatShadow We have lots of gun laws in Canada but they are focused around the safe use and storage of rifles and shotguns which are technically powder actuated tools. Pistols are a rather useless thing and are nothing but trouble, so they are heavily restricted as all useless things should be.

@Surfpirate Respectfully I disagree. Yes they can be misused. Most have not been in a matter of life or death situation. It's too hard to wheel a rifle or shotgun to protect yourself. I'm getting my CCW permit on Sunday.

@TheGreatShadow That's the difference in the Canadian vs the American mindset on handguns. We see them as something that nobody needs and should therefore be prohibited for the most part and Americans see them as a necessity that everybody needs and should be entitled too. I'm reminded of some American plumbers that I hired to work on a hotel I was building in Bermuda which has very restrictive gun laws, draconian would be a better description. The plumbers were appalled when they found out they couldn't bring their handguns to Bermuda for how could they ever be safe without them, so I explained to them that nobody else had a handgun either, even the police didn't carry them. These were big guys, 300 lbs on average and heavyset but muscular, nobody was going to mess with them but they had a hard time believing that there were no other guns on the island. A few years later a few guns were smuggled onto the island for gang violence over drugs but even now there are perhaps a half dozen illegal handguns on the island of Bermuda.

@Surfpirate Thanks for the reply! In the US it's a little different. I don't want to have to sleep in a wooden chair with a loaded firearm to defend myself.

@TheGreatShadow I grew up in Toronto which is Canada's largest city and except when we went on vacation for a week I don't remember us ever locking our doors, both my parents worked but I never had a house key because why would I need one? I now live on an island near the city of Kingston, I still don't lock my doors and I don't own a gun because I no longer hunt. I have never owned a handgun and don't know any Canadians who have owned one either, even a friend who is a private detective but he does have a small can of mace.


Interesting piece of trivia. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

I really never paid that much attention. Now I know!

Green_eyes Level 8 Sep 12, 2018
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