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Have you noticed how excited your American friends are about pot legalization in Canada compared to your Canadian friends? 😀

Surfpirate 9 Oct 19
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Looking forward to the nation capitalizing on pot tourism.


I quit that stuff long ago, but i support others rights to partake, as long as they are responsable about it.


I work for the municipality of Halifax and the rule is no smoking pot 24 hours prior to starting a work shift. Smoking pot within the municipality is only permitted in designated areas. This also applies to tobacco. Smoke all you want on private property and don't smoke and drive.

flower_nut Level 7 Oct 19, 2018

They certainly seem more interested in this than we are.

snikkers Level 5 Oct 19, 2018

Trickle down policy-making?

maxhyde Level 7 Oct 19, 2018

I never used the stuff but it was never as taboo to begin with. I remember being with friends who were smoking walking down the street. Cops would drive past. Nobody really cared unless you were getting into trouble. No petty nonsense like what goes on in the states just to open up private jails.

Green_eyes Level 8 Oct 19, 2018

Exactly. I don't know that we ever really "hid" smoking weed. Just outside a fair distance and puff away almost everywhere I lived.
Downtown Calgary once I had a cop roll down his window as he was driving by and say put it out or get in an alley 😉

@maxhyde I've heard that a fair number will receive unconditional pardons for simple possession so someone out there cared about some people smoking dope.

@snikkers Posession under 30g is a misdemeanor and a fine only though I think in Canada. At least anyone I know that actually did get caught holding under 30g and fine was only like a 250 or 300 dollars...or the cost of your weed give or take 😉 They were all in Saskatchewan too. I didn't know anyone getting a misdemeanor or anything in BC
However the US will flag it and likely deny entry so that is why they give out the pardons, I think.

Trafficking would be a problem

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