4 4

I knew this was going to happen.

MsHoliday 8 Nov 1
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I was waiting for the bus and older gentlemen with two large bags of bottles. I asked him how he was, he said he was okay. He was going to get them cashed in so he could get back to the area to buy some cannabis, I asked him how he found the stuff sold at the local shop. He said it was we strong, since the government product was better, is that true?


That's one of the great things about being a Canadian, we have a well developed sense of humour, but then we need it living next to the US. 😀


Sad, sad situation. Not even funny.

1ROBROY2 Level 7 Nov 1, 2018

Why is that?

@Science-guy we are screwing ourselves up enough without more help. If you need to be stoned to enjoy life why bother.

Canadians want it, and the government gets a big tax grab. It's a Win, Win. Legal or not people are going to use it, why not tax it and help people who need it? The media exploits what it can to stir a pot of mess.
Just saying,

@flower_nut the price is so high, the dealers are going keep on selling. The legal suppliers haven't got the stock. Media enemy of the people?????

Not legal is better for who? Hopefully, this rolls out smoothly for everybody. The government is moving forward with open arms. Logistics can be improved, the black market is in everything and the media makes a story with "Oh cannabis".


Too funny. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Nov 1, 2018
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