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We Canadians (and most other world nations) take health care for granted, while our American cousins face this...


Science-guy 8 Mar 19
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Love our Health care system,,sure it has some draw backs but they are working on them ,but at least it does not bankrupt a person for a major illness

RoyMillar Level 9 Mar 29, 2019

All that money to be made, is it any wonder that KKKenney wants so badly to change things here in Alberta?


Having been an RN(and patient) in both systems, the universal healthcare provided in Canada is exceptional and more importantly accessible for everyone.
The American system is incredibly wasteful and expensive. One major surgery without insurance would screw up most people’s credit. America is a very litigious country and too much of my time is spent on cover-my-ass documentation instead of patient care.
At the time when I moved to the US, Canada didn’t offer much upward mobility for RN’s such as NP’s and CRNA but that has changed and RN salary’s have improved dramatically.

Green_eyes Level 8 Mar 19, 2019

As Canadians we are world class at bitching about our health care system but having lived on both sides of the border I wouldn't trade our Canadian system for the tax breaks that Americans feel they get because they don't have universal health care. I live in rural Canada and I don't find the system to be bad at all, nor did I find it inadequate when I lived in Alberta or BC.

Surfpirate Level 9 Mar 19, 2019

Only 50% of Americans have health care.

Do you mean insurance?

@CallMeDave Health Insurance


The US is the only G7/8 country without a national health system. It’s rates of infant mortality, preventable morbidity, and cancer survival are all the worst of the 7/8. Having spent 31 years at the pointy end of healthcare delivery, I know Canada is far from perfect (especially in rural Canada!!) but nobody loses their house because of medical bills.

Obtunded Level 4 Mar 19, 2019

Agreed. Rural and under serviced provinces such as Prince Edward Island need work but populous centres are at least adequate

I think the Predator in Chief (Forrest Trump) is successfully removing democracy from the US so nobody can say the US is the only G7/8 dissent. What more could we ask for? A dictator, a nationalist media (no more SNL ?), and a new pay-off-whomever-we-harrassed tax. ?


The health care system in the U.S. does not do a good job of caring for people. However, it does a great job of making lot's of money for the hospitals and doctors at everyone else's expense.


despite its shortcoming at times . . wouldn't trade it for the world

Where you live is always home. It's great to love your country.

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