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Is there any hope of unity in a Multi-cultural society?

DonaldHRoberts 7 Mar 31
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Yes. why wouldn't there be? You do realize even in a single cultured society you will have differences in political leanings, religious beliefs, sexual orientations, finances/incomes, values, etc etc? Why would you think multi-culturalism would make things more different among humans than the differences that already exist?

I agree.


When you consider that a majority of Canadians came from the British Isles initially and that small land mass was comprised of 4 groups - English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh - the 4 of which still can't get along, so the best we can hope for is unity in diversity.

Surfpirate Level 9 Mar 31, 2019

I am a mix of those plus German, Norweigan and Lebanese. We also have German, Filipino and English in inlaws. The longer families are in North America, the more blended we will become. We enjoy and celebrate the various cultures, while becoming a new mixture of all of these traditions. I think it is a wonderful thing.

@LB67 I suppose the difference between the US and Canada is that the US has always prided itself on being a melting pot whereas Canada prided itself on being a salad bowl. With the rise of the fascist right in the USA there has been signs of similar rhetoric in Canada and I find that disturbing, especially as I am a 9th generation Canadian with roots going back to 1753. I Am Canadian to the bone, I trace no roots back to the old country because this is my family's old country but at the same time I celebrate newer Canadians and the cultural diversity that they bring with them when they choose to make Canada their new home. This talk of us and them has always existed in Canada but it is trying to legitimize itself and I have no time for that. If you want to be intolerant of your fellow countrymen and point out the differences instead of celebrating them then there is a country for you and it waits below the 44th parallel.

@Surfpirate I consider my family an example of unity in diversity, so I hope that we all find a way to this place. I was born and raised in Alberta and lived in Ontario for over twenty years. I am an adoptee, who had no knowledge of my biological links to the world, until I was in my mid thirties. I discovered biological roots in Canada to the 1700’s, I also discovered roots to the 1600’s in the U.S. My adoptive family is both Canadian and American, as is my birth family. I consider myself a socialist who is emotionally and historically a product of both countries. In both my families, at this moment I am hearing more right leaning comments on the Canadian side than on the American side of the border. I find this very concerning. Rob Ford was, to my mind, the first indicator of the path the US. is now on, and that other countries are in danger of following, i am desperately hoping that Canada does not follow this direction of its southern neighbor, but I am thinking that Doug Ford’s track in politics, is not a good sign. if people don’t recognize the perils of fear based bashing of immigrants that is now accentuated in the U.S, and bubbling up in other countries, our entire world could quickly descend into chaos.


will never be 100% will always be some who will always resist unity

RoyMillar Level 9 Mar 31, 2019

Depends on the level of “class” equality and education.

Davekp Level 8 Mar 31, 2019



Only in secular environments.

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