3 5

I'm sure this applies to more places, but it's spot-on for (Ottawa) Ontario.

scurry 9 Sep 13
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We started an Electric Bike Rental Company in the Thousand Islands this year and the weather has played havoc with us. It's too hot, too cold, too humid, too windy to go for a ride but then when it is 'just right' we are sold out.

Surfpirate Level 9 Sep 14, 2019

Congratulations and good luck. Yup. Mother Nature plays by her own rules; your wishes be damned.
Good sign that you sell out on the good day. 🙂


Fall started a little early today 🙂

RoyMillar Level 9 Sep 13, 2019

Ha ha - Oh No - Sorry to hear that.
Stay warm. 😉

I am ,but also enjoying it and hope the clouds clear for the full moon tonight


You can go skating and swimming, all in the same day, without leaving the neighbourhood!

Athena Level 8 Sep 13, 2019

Maybe roller skating and swimming . I've never been swimming north of Cape Cod and that was cold .

@Besalbub we have many (many many many many) lakes that warm up in summer and are perfect for swimming, but it takes a hearty soul to be swimming past September. Unless you like the polar bear dips/swims/plunged.
We have had a running challenge at the family cottage to see how early (and late) and who will swim first (and last) in the season.
Usually my Brother or Dad. Lol

@scurry I remember as a kid I used to swim in lakes in Vermont I know I wouldn't even be tempted now . Here in North Carolina I'll go in the ocean June through August . I've heard too many stories of brain eating amebas in freshwater ponds and even have a friend who lost an eye to a ameba infection .

@Besalbub Well, that's not disturbing at all. Man-oh-man. I just looked it up and that's rather terrifying.
Although it does that that it's very rare: "Only a tiny percentage of the millions of people who are exposed to Naegleria fowleri ever get sick from it. Why some people become infected after exposure and others don't isn't known."
source: []
But percentages don't matter much when you or someone you love is the "tiny percent".
Probably won't stop me, as I have been swimming in this lake since i was child and have never had or heard of any issues. Perhaps the lake doesn't get warm enough for long enough, for it to be a problem.


Outdoor pools are warm. 🙂

@scurry I think it's more in the south in small ponds .

@Athena Indoor pools are even warmer . I like my hot tub very hot .

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