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Should Don Cherry have been fired over his “You people comment? Was it racist in the best Trump tradition? []

ToolGuy 9 Nov 11
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I dunno. Nobody batted an eye at what he said about Russians back in the day.

Hicks66 Level 7 Nov 19, 2019

I will always have a soft spot for Grapes but I've been wondering when he would say something that would get him cashiered. Watched his segment and knew when he said "you people" that he was done. Maybe the "too many men on the ice" penalty will be overshadowed by this latest gaffe.

Steamer53 Level 3 Nov 15, 2019

Cherry Should have been axed long ago..... good riddance....

blzjz Level 7 Nov 12, 2019

He is racist and thinks the world revolves around sports, it doesn't sports figures are not heroes just e entertainers . But this is typical for sports figures

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 12, 2019

@ToolGuy there are exceptions, one was a quarterback who quit and fought after 9/11


ughh this dumbass isn't even sorry... good riddance to bad rubbish, glad he got fired... bye boomer (spin on ok boomer)



Should have been dropped years ago.

Davekp Level 8 Nov 11, 2019

Interesting scenario. I'm torn on this one. [Also, I'm not a fan of hockey at all, not even a fan of Don Cherry]. According to some, ‘he was on borrowed time for not being fired in the past.’

I’d rather see people who WANT to wear the poppy, not as something forced/obligation just because you are in this country.

Understanding his sentiments, I'm more shocked with all his years in the public eye, he didn't filter that remark appropriately for the media. There are probably a dozen better ways to say what he said. I get it, he has an abrasive edge to him, which is why he is on TV, coupled with his experience in hockey, but he definitely crossed the line.

After some digging on Don Cherry, because of this situation, some feel he should have been fired a long time ago. However, he could have said this exact comment 10-20 years ago, and chances are, no one would bat and eyelash of surprise.
To me, the reason he got fired was due to the audience, and network pressure that if they would of kept him on, this would have affected the corporate bottom line. Is that not also offensive? That a network is swayed by how the public might react/boycott sponsors on hockey night in Canada? But we’ll never know for 100% certainty IF that is the reason, behind the network’s public statement.

MacStriker Level 7 Nov 11, 2019

@ToolGuy Well, I don't need anymore reasons to NOT like Don Cherry, or hockey. Is wrangling in the fact he is a trump supporter a reason to fire Don? Heck, my best friend is a Christian Orthodox and I'm still his friend even though we don't meet eye-to-eye on theism.

@ToolGuy I respect the sport, absolutely agree that it's physically demanding. I just don't follow it, nor have an interest in it. To each their own. 🙂

@ToolGuy uhmmm, you just mentioned:
"Hockey (not necessarily NHL) is the best sport. Speed and agility at high Speed with fast reaction times. Not to mention conditioning."
So i replied to that. I'm not sure why you mentioned that, but I replied to that.
And yes, I have appeared to miss the point, just replying to the comment you made quoted above.

@ToolGuy Ah, i see your point now. I'm aware that's not the reason he was fired. I'm giving Don Cherry the benefit of the doubt he had this 'view' well before Trump was the president or even in the political spotlight.
I can see how the two align similarly, but to bring Trump's influence into this, takes away from Don Cherry's accountability for himself, and his actions.

@ToolGuy , check the comments at the bottom of this article:
Some interesting points/support for Don Cherry.


Yes he should have.... not to mention his entitled ass does not even walk around Toronto so who the fck is he to make such remarks... as someone that actually walks around the city I guarantee you MANY people are wearing poppies... albeit mainly among seniors and Gen X'ers but still.


absolutely!! and he has been.


I never heard the remark,only the back lash today and that he got let go ,but this has been his style for decades ,pissing people off some love some hate it it is him ,He has a point about not wearing but then again every individual has the right to make up his mind whether to wear one or buy one to support the cause ,But he forgot he is an ancestor of an imagrant also and has the right to make choices whether people agree with him or not ,on the other side of the coin he has done a lot of charity work help all sorts of people in Canada including building centres,,which people forget quickly. It is hard to make an opinion about as we really do not know where he was coming from or what he really meant when he said it. But the way it was said was a major negative for the majority,Going to be interesting to see how this story plays out

RoyMillar Level 9 Nov 11, 2019
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