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700+ jab-free Canadians join class-action suit against Trudeau gov’t over COVID mandates


On September 22, Alberta constitutional lawyer Leighton Grey of Grey Wowk Spencer LLP, a firm that has helped the jab free many times in legal cases, filed the lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiffs in federal court.

The lawsuit specifically names Canada’s Attorney General as well as His Majesty the King in Right of Canada as defendants. Overall, the lawsuit claims that the Trudeau feds openly discriminated against Canadians who chose not to get the jabs, notably “on the grounds of genetic characteristics and religion.”

“The Plaintiffs plead that the Defendants (the federal government) committed the tort of misfeasance in public office by deliberately conducting themselves unlawfully in the exercise of their public functions,” the lawsuit reads.

“The Defendants knowingly and in bad faith acted unlawfully outside the scope of their authority by implementing and maintaining the Interim Orders (Trudeau’s COVID dictates).”

The lawsuit alleges that the federal government violated a multitude of the plaintiffs’ charter rights as well as rights under the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Overall, the lawsuit focuses on three areas in which the plaintiffs were affected. They are people who were fired for not getting the shots due to government mandates, those who could not travel in any manner due to Trudeau’s ban on the vaccine-free from flying, and those who fall into both categories.

The class-action lawsuit is open at this time and is still accepting more applicants, who must be jab free and have suffered as a result due to federal COVID dictates.

Grey has requested the lawsuit be held in a federal court in Edmonton, Alberta.

The lawsuit also calls into question the safety of the mRNA COVID shots, claiming the federal government was “negligent in the design, development, testing, licensing, distribution, monitoring, marketing and sale of the COVID-19 vaccines.”

“Implementation of the vaccine mandates by the Defendants was unreasonable as it subjected the Plaintiffs to an objectively unreasonable risk of harm. Such unreasonable conduct that both factually and legally caused the harms suffered by the Plaintiffs,” the lawsuit reads.

The lawsuit also alleges that the federal government violated the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act because of mandating that the vaccine free take PCR COVID testing, which sampled one’s genetic material.


In Canada, vaccines are not mandatory at the federal level as each province is responsible for its own healthcare delivery. At the provincial level, some provinces such as Ontario and New Brunswick have made certain vaccines (not COVID-19 ones) mandatory via legislation, with a few exceptions, for children to attend public schools.

Lawyers with Canada’s Department of Health wrote in a 1996 Canadian National Report on Immunization that unlike some countries “immunization is not mandatory in Canada.”

“It cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution,” the lawyers added.


Currently, the Canadian group Free to Fly, which is made up of pilots and airline workers who lost their jobs for not complying with COVID vaccine mandates, are in an class-action lawsuit against the federal government over its vaccine mandate for aviation. They are seeking full compensation.




1patriot 8 Oct 13
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