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Now we know what the Trudeau government was desperately trying to hide. They allowed these security breaches at our top level lab 👇

“Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, one of the scientists who was fired from Canada's top infectious disease laboratory, "intentionally" shared scientific information with China — potentially putting people's health in jeopardy — says an assessment by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).

“CSIS wrote Qiu was using the level 4 lab in Canada “as a base to assist China to improve its capability to fight highly-pathogenic pathogens.”

“Qiu provided Beijing "with the Ebola genetic sequence, which opened a door of convenience for China," wrote CSIS.

“CSIS accused Qiu of being associated with multiple "talent programs" administered and funded by various Chinese entities.

“Those programs are set up to "boost China's national technological capabilities and may pose a serious threat to research institutions, including government research facilities, by incentivizing economic espionage and theft of intellectual property," said CSIS in the report.“

1patriot 8 Feb 29
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Posted by bookofmoronsFeel free to share

Posted by bookofmoronsThat explains it

Posted by godfree2Carney vs PP resumes

Posted by 1patriotUPDATED: CALL TO ACTION - On March 2, 2024, Paul Fischer, a witness to Human Trafficking charges was unlawfully and criminally assaulted in his home and tasered 4 times by RCMP CST.

Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?

Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?

Posted by bookofmoronsJust remember - we are all sworn to secrecy but maybe we should send some to Mexico

Posted by 1patriotWhen he says our Senate is diverse and representative of Canada, he omitted this reality.

Posted by 1patriothow liberals get rich!

Posted by 1patriotso he killing the old stock europeans off in canada. I just never thought that was what he ment in this statement. My family has been here for 125 years. my wife family has been 395 years

Posted by 1patriot great job CBC you covered all the bases. Bonuses for 1200 more of you coming soon

Posted by 1patriot[] another brain dead fucker, he just like screwing Margret Turdeau Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger Mercilessly Booed By Crowd After Praising Justin Trudeau (VIDEO)

Posted by 1patriotCanadians can say the same about the great turd

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

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