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Atheism & Baptism

Rossy92 8 Oct 18
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Pedophile in a dress & bad parents - yeah.
Lie in church - yeah, preferably with an intelligent attractive nymphomaniac.

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 18, 2020

It ain't called "knowing" in the "Biblical" sense for nothing! Didn't know you were the sophisticated sapiosexual. I'm ok with the threshold of intelligence required for consent.

@Rossy92 lol, my abbreviated writing is obviously less yhan precise! My "Pedophile in a dress & bad parents - yeah" remark meant that I wholeheartely applauded the witty remark.
As to sapiosexual I had to refresh my memory as to what it means but the answer is yes.
Sophisticated LMAO! Rough as diarrhoea after a bad biryani curry in a dysentery outbreak!

@FrayedBear There was no misunderstanding on my part of that first remark. I understood it exactly as you just described. I did however initially take your use of lie to mean a false statement. But calling you sophisticated was intentional sarcasm as you not long ago recoiled at my suggestion of that, as did just now. (In certain versions of the Bible, "to know someone" means to have sexual relations with them, as in Genesis 4:1: "And Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain." Bob: "You know Samantha quite well, right?" Dave: "Well, I don't know her in the biblical sense, if that's what you're asking." ) I hope I'm not over-explaining?

@Rossy92 Screaming laughter - when you wrote "in certain versions" I nesrly had rictures. I've heard of the St James but apart from having repeated parts frequently read at me a long time ago at school that's it.

@FrayedBear I'm probably no more familiar with the Bible than you. By chance I picked up the phrase from seeing a flirtatious interview on MTV in the late 80's. I did and probably still have aspirations to be as sophisticated as I perceive that particular person to be, and it's stuck with me since. I have no idea what the St James is, nor what are rictures???

@Rossy92 aha my mistake I think it's just the James bible after James I, english king. Rictures - []

@Rossy92 it is my opinion that sophisticate usually equates to pretentiousness, hypocrisy and inconsequential.

@FrayedBear it depends. I'll give a more lengthy response later.

@FrayedBear I associate sophisticated with being learned, worldly, developed. Elegant simplicity requires sophistication. To possess both "street smarts" and "book smarts" is sophisticated. Overwhelmingly I associate only positives with the word. Pretentiousness is pretend sophistication, showing off to impress superficially with affectation, rather than be effective yet efficient. I feel you may more sophisticated than you give yourself credit for. You don't appear to fetishize the uncultured or anti-intellectual...well... at least not to the exclusion of their opposites. I suspect you may be confusing the definition of sophistication with the words effete, precious, over-refined, and artificial. Certainly the phrase "Biryani curry in a Dysentary outbreak" is not the utterance of an unsophisticated person. Don't worry. Crudity and sophistication are not mutually exclusive my friend.

@Rossy92 I've responded by pm.

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Posted by FrayedBearPosted on fbuk:

Posted by FrayedBearSeen on fbuk & I just had to share it.

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