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Love me some Jackson 5...

Captain_Feelgood 8 Sep 15
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And I'm done! Good night motherfuckers! 😴

I am sorry to be doing my monologues here trying to think of a way to help my Atheist friend fight cancer in Katy Texas....she is sick with chemotherapy and her daughter just set up a GoFundMe account....Suzanne Buckland is her name and here @CONFIDENTREALM .....she is an artist too ill to paint and create what she might feeling better in life at her studio gallery....and a dear comrade hung himself dead in Nevada this summer dying of diabetes and depression from losing everything in a gold mine wrongfully regulated by corrupt officials out of producing gold that is there ......he made me laugh for years calling idiot AMERICANS Flying CIA monkeys voting for one liar politician or would y'all have me laugh away compassion empathy and grief for a racist fake album cover


@captain_feelgood, I think you need to block a motherfucker! Lol

I got a mother fucking feeling you may be right.. I'll give this mother fucker one more chance to act like a mother fucking human being, then it's lights out for this mother fucker... You get what I'm saying here... muther fucker? 😂😎👍

@Captain_Feelgood Well ain't that a motherfucker! Lol

@MichelleGar1 Well yes... Yes it is... and I pride myself on being a Mother Fucker when it comes to shit like this... So you best be on your best behavior there Mister GreenAtheist... 😠👌


This is's not the Pulp Fiction film....if it was a South Park cartoon it would be funny but all 5 look like Sam and I am sure he would kick the racist in the balls for photo shopping him this way

This is a joke relating to the Pulp Fiction movie, remember the wallet he had on him? It said Bad Motherfucker on it, that's what these jokes are about! If you have no sense of humor and/or don't get the joke, just move on! There's no need for you to be offended!

@MichelleGar1 I enjoyed the movie and there is zero album art in the John Travolta & Bruce Willis film of vignettes...the best part of the cinema is Samuel L Jackson quoting his bible and recounting how he was not killed by up close gun pointed his way....Michael Jackson abused by his religious family and his death ending to a genius career can't ever fit in that album if a "meme" could be invented to destroy the sacred NFL WASHINGTON REDSKINS....I would applaud that sort of racist humor....Again I shared Barbara Billingsley talking jive in the movie AIRPLANE.... whites can make fun of the crude raunchiest material....I still think Jackson would be pissed about his face on a fake album cover and his screen name

@GreenAtheist You should watch Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, and Dave Chapelle stand up! Oh and a Mexican George Lopez too! Comedy makes fun of everyone!

@MichelleGar1 my heroic Richard Pryor and Beverly Hills Cop are all time you really think the album cover qualifies as black Kid Rock or even Garrett Morris FUNNY ???? I HAVE posted elsewhere a WHO TV NEWS anchor many years ago trying to be funny Jack Cafferty last few words before the Tonight Show NBC Friday night after a late breaking news report about a woman raped in Des Moines, Iowa: " CONFUCIUS SAY; when rape inevitable, lay back and enjoy it." MONDAY MORNING he was immediately terminated from employment but got a better job at MSNBC he's still working there LIVE ON TV ....there are 100% unfunny efforts about blacks and women....already one boy here wants you to block me

@GreenAtheist It was me who suggested to block you! Lol



Leave To Beaver mom Barbara Billingsley "spoke jive" on board the AIPLANE movie and because who SHE IS she performed perfectly funny....racism by whites against blacks is a MOTHERFUKIN minefield

@GreenAtheist It's only racist if you view it that way! It was a funny movie and that scene was funny! Again if you have no sense of humor please move on!

Plus have you read the description of the group here? Read it again!

@MichelleGar1 "wrong" is a vague description...Mel Brooks got people to laugh HITLER ON ICE....Blazing Saddles was another crass film....there are zero Atheist funny movies....we are almost always portrayed as WRONG....STRANGE FRUIT is a song about the hell can evil become entertainment or funny....???? 600 radio stations broadcast Rrrruussshhah dingy Crazy GREEDY LIMPboss radio cult liar dittoheads 15 hours per week since 1985's a great challenge to ridicule evil while not enabling evil....TrumpOLINI could not have won 31 states without LimpBOSS, SLAMMITY and the Fox News fakirs promoting racist humor round the clock 2015 2016 ....Malcolm X reminded everyone hell has COME HOME TO ROOST




@MichelleGar1 That shit right there is the hard core truth... And it's all good, as long as you love one another. 😎👍

@MichelleGar1, @GreenAtheist Mister GreenAtheist.. You have totally missed the point of this page. If this is how you are going to react to these posts,, I strongly suggest you just sit back and observe a few to get a better idea of what it's all about.. Then perhaps you will not get so much (iN YOUR FACE_ABUSE).. And not look like such a douche nozzle.. I am sure that would help a little, at least.. Cheers.. 😎👍

@Captain_Feelgood Thank you! I don't know if he just goes off to get attention! Lol!!!

@MichelleGar1 Let's see.. 🤔👍

@MichelleGar1 who ever did the fake album with 5 Sam faces on MJ family bodies has very little talent for supposed black humor ....every day in the Navy we all laughed when Cheech & Chong jokes were played on the radio ....laughing during our war made so many brothers dying in Vietnam a little less painful....Mohammed Ali was NOT joking when he said: " nobody in Vietnam ever called me nigger " refusing to be drafted and kept out of boxing during his prime youth years....Pulp Fiction spends a long amount of time washing human blood out of clothes and out of a blood spattered car where they murdered by gunfire....not a funny movie to show in El Paso or Odessa or Sandy Hook school....

@Captain_Feelgood I posted other memes but he ignored them! Maybe he blocked me when I told him that I suggested for you to block him! Lol

@GreenAtheist Oh geez! Facepalm! Here we go again!

@Captain_Feelgood Yes, he does! Lol!!!

@MichelleGar1 Colin Kaepernick lost his job taking a knee to alert stadium and TV watchers a black kid was shot in the back just a few miles away from 49ers neighborhood.....I never could laugh at genocide flag and a slave ship harbor song Ft McHenry Baltimore harbor 1812

@GreenAtheist Comedy and a sense of humor to escape all the bad shit in this world! We know about these atrocities but we can have a good laugh! For all we know one of us might not be alive tomorrow because of an accident or something else! Let others enjoy their lives! People always have to ruin others fun!

@MichelleGar1 I blocked that fool last year Captain Feel Good without comment or warning....I am here to marry a good Atheist woman not like him pissing upon people to make bad boys laugh....Dr Christine Blasey Ford testified Kavanaugh and his drunken buddy laughing at her being raped scared her more than Kavanaugh putting his hand over her mouth stopping her screams for help ....though she could not breathe for that moment the drunken Mark Judge jumped on the bed bouncing both rapist and victim to the floor when she made her escape from the rapists....President TrumpOLINI laughs at Dr Ford and got his campaign crowds laughing about her "unbelievable" rape story when her testimony was an expert witness to the exact location of her terror felt in her brain stem....I just can't laugh at Bill Cosby "HEY HEY HEY here comes Fat Albert" any more knowing he raped women and girls with drugs in their drinks for decades ....Lenny Bruce and Mort Saul were great comics insulting the rich and powerful....I grew up with Eldridge Cleaver and Dick Gregory taking down racists with righteous LET THEM CALL ME MR NIGGER and glorious is the racist meme who is seeking attention unable to laugh and learn himself

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Posted by FrayedBearPosted on fbuk:

Posted by FrayedBearSeen on fbuk & I just had to share it.

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodImagine his excitement. 😃

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodDAAAAAAAYUM... that's gonna leave a mark..

Posted by SherryF Now I’m hungry.

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodAttention.... this just in...

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodSometimes they give it right back.. 😀

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodSo Witches .... never mind..

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodI got your Big Mac right heerre!!

Posted by MichelleGar1Exactly! Lol!!!

Posted by MichelleGar1Watch how you treat us ladies!

Posted by MichelleGar1I thought you were fancy and cool! Lol!!!

Posted by MichelleGar1The one's with no sense of humor too! Lol!!!

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodLove me some Jackson 5...

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodSoorryy.... but that shit there is hilarious..

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodYep.. it's funny...

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