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Zelensky destroys workers rights in Ukraine:

Krish55 8 Aug 26
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Ummm, have you noticed they are at War there, a war they never wanted??

AnneWimsey Level 9 Aug 27, 2022

A war justifies the destruction of worker's rights? That's exactly the argument fascists make! You are making a fascist argument in a progressive group?

Apart from wanting Crimea for a naval base, the West wanted to economically penetrate Ukraine for profits. Hence the Western coup in 2014 when Ukraine decided that an economic pact with Russia was more beneficial. After the coup and the war it provoked, Western businesses moving into Ukraine can now have the cheap labor of desperate Ukranians.

As the article notes, this Pinochet-type union-busting was proposed by the UK. This is hardly the first time the West has promoted union-busting abroad to access cheap labor. Chile and Ukraine are just a couple on a long list. In the case of the latter, military aid (necessary because of war created by the West) is contingent on economic "liberalization," which means union busting and unfettered capitalism. You are supporting unfettered capitalism in a progressive group?

So now the Western capitalism gets the benefit of arms sales for their blood industries and cheap Ukranian labor for their other industries. You are in a progressive group but refuse to look beyond the one-sided propaganda of the corporate press?

@Krish55 you are an argumentative factless fool, aincha.
And BTW I was once a Union Official (elected!) in an all-male (20,000 men & me) shipyard workforce, so you lecturing me about unions is Ludicrous!


In a word, it is "BOLLOCKS".

Petter Level 9 Aug 26, 2022

Do you have a rebuttal to offer? Or is that your substitute for facts and logic?

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