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I've always been drawn to the water. It doesn't matter if it's the ocean or a drainage culvert, aquatic life and habitat fascinates me. There's an air of mystery to what's below the surface. It's intriguing. Tonight was a perfect night on the Susquehanna. It was sultry, still, and overcast, and redolent with wild honeysuckle. The rough-winged swallows and cedar waxwings put on an aerial show, hunting the emerging mayflies. A pair of great horned owls hooted to each other as it started to get dark. Little panfish surfaced with a splash to snag low flying insects and buffalo-backed carp rolled in the shallows sucking up mud and debris. Fireflies flashed in the water willow and my dogs huffed and chuffed as they tried to dig voles out of the rocks along the bank. I only caught two small fish--sunnies--but really, that was hardly the point of going fishing tonight. I just needed to be out by the water.

Insectra 8 June 23
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I used to share that sentiment.


Beautiful. I'm going to try to catch crappies and bronzebacks on a Susquehanna tributary tomorrow, hopefully.

JimG Level 8 June 23, 2018

@Insectra I think you did really well. If I can find an hour or two of the tranquility and beauty that you experienced, it'll be a terrific trip.

@Insectra that will work. Thanks.

I used to live in upstate NY. Fond memories of the Susquehanna.


Very, very nice post @Insectra, love it.

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