3 10

Prior to losing my son, I would spend a weekend at my parents house at least once a month.
They moved 50 miles north of me a year before I lost Jake, and had spent 37 years in their previous house, which was less than 2 miles from where I live.
My mom has been begging me to stay the weekend for over 3 years now, and I just haven’t been able to do it, until this weekend.
No reason, really, I guess I just felt it was something I could handle today.
Plus, they’re getting up there in age and I don’t want to miss any lovin or laughin 😉

My pops came to pick me up, we drove the coast up to their house.
First, we stopped for an ice cream cone 🙂
He told me stories I hadn’t heard before from when he was younger, like how at 23, he had a job laying gas line for new construction that was coming in, and on his lunch break, he’d jump in the ocean to cool off and body surf.
He said that the group of men that oversaw the job site, a group of Russian men, were amazed at how easy he made body surfing look, so they asked him to teach them.
Pretty soon, all of the contractors and construction workers were all body surfing on their lunch breaks.

He also told me he hadn’t been in the ocean since he taught my son how to body surf, that was on Father’s Day, 2010. Jake was almost 13.
You could always tell it was my dad and Jake in the waves, because they’d stick one foot straight up to warn other swimmers of their presence.
It was a great sight!

He also told me that when he quit smoking cigarettes, on September 23rd, 1972, they cost 35¢ a pack.

I stopped to get a pack before we got to his house & paid $9.90.

Here’s some dandelions that I’ve snapped shots of on my weekend hunt.

Hopefully I can get my pops in the sea with me while I’m here.
I gotta get a picture of the foot thing, it’s
Have a good weekend, everyone.

AMGT 8 Aug 17
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So, did you get him in the water?


Have fun! I hope you both get to body surf!

RavenCT Level 9 Aug 18, 2018

Happy memories. I'm hoping for more!

Hathacat Level 9 Aug 17, 2018

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