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Came across on my FB newsfeed this morning.

Paul_Clamberer 7 May 5
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Glad you made it! Welcome & explore!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 5, 2018

Welcome to the playground. It looks like you have found your way around.




I see it fairly frequently

btroje Level 9 May 5, 2018

@hankster I am shifting back there. FB has always been a neutral space for me because I am able to exercise more control there. I am able to share things there that matter to me personally. I saw an ad on the side when I signed up here. NOw it is coming through my feed. Reading the comments about the ad is fairly disturbing

@hankster I am thinking people are still driving around with shotguns hanging in the rear window of their pick ups , at least in your state.

@btroje, @hankster I have about 15 atheist t-shirts & an 'atheist atom' tattooed on my right forearm. Now, I'm in a major city, but it's AZ! & I wear both proudly to the VA I go to regularly. I will not back down! I won't proselytize beyond the 'passive' means unless someone wishes to engage, but they are used as an invitation for conversation. Of course, I am always ready for talk & engagement, & if they get mad, it's their problem. I do not intimidate!

@hankster See that all the time out here in the West. I'm 5'6" & not a one of them has more balls or better arguments than I do! I've read the bibble! Even the Mormon one! (even funnier), I'm a veteran, an ex carny, done time & I don't give a flying fig! I'll stand up against Hovind, Ham, or any pro, let alone folk that don't even know their own book! We are here! Atheism & Humanism are the future & I will help that along!

@hankster There is only right for the individual. I have decided that I will be active, but, I'm a nice guy, so I won't be a dick. I will "advertise", as many theists do with their crosses or what not. & I hope a conversation ensues. & I will try my best to not be the ass it's so easy for me to be & follow "Street Epistemology" guidelines. But I'm an ex-carny. I've done stage work. I sang in a few bands. I'm used to being "out there"! That's not for everyone. Just never compromise or defer, that's all I hope!

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