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"David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet

In this unique feature documentary, titled David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet, the celebrated naturalist reflects upon both the defining moments of his lifetime and the devastating changes he has seen...the film addresses some of the biggest challenges facing life on our planet, providing a snapshot of global nature loss in a single lifetime. With it comes a powerful message of hope for future generations as Attenborough reveals the solutions to help save our planet from disaster."

*** []
AnonySchmoose 8 Sep 30
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Pity. I don't do Netflix. I'd love to watch this. I have not really watched any movies since my wife died.

It may also be on YouTube. I hope you find a way to take it in.


Always loved his documentary shows and they show what we can lose

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 30, 2021

He has encountered amazing variety in nature, which gives him the ability to communicate those marvels to the world with incredible knowledge and profound conviction.


I hope the younger generations will pay attention. Mine didn't. I've lived on an island for over 20 years. In that short time I've seen the change. Some roads are now covered in salt water every high tide, every day. I don't have much faith in the homosapien.

ChurchLess Level 7 Sep 30, 2021

As a toddler in a large valley, I loved the smells of untouched natural areas, farms, and fragrant fruit orchards, especially when they bloomed. As I grew, orchards, farms and wild areas disappeared. Development of track homes, countless businesses, cars and smog spread like a cancer throughout the valley. I literally felt like an alien in the valley. Gradually, people and businesses planted trees which grew large until the homes and buildings were covered by a canopy covering much of the valley with green, shade, quiet, and which soaked up the smog. Those changes took place over a span of fifty-six years.

Now I live on an island with climate change problems. A group in which I volunteer wanted us to write to Biden, so here is what I wrote:

"Dear President Biden,
I live in Hawaii where climate change brings us drought, wildfires, sea level rise, coastal erosion, ocean acidification, dying coral reefs, tropical storms, and floods. Please, as you advance toward a climate bill, include a carbon fee and dividend plan.

3589 U.S. Economists, 4 Former Federal Reserve Chairmen, 28 Former Nobel Laureate Economists, and 15 Former Council of Economic Advisers Chairmen say a CFD bill will reduce emissions the fastest and bring us to net zero by 2050. A carbon fee will stimulate energy innovation and the economy and be fair to disadvantaged communities.
Please include CFD in your climate plans."

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Posted by BDairA very accomplished woman.

Posted by BDairGreat documentary.

Posted by babyhumanistA couple days ago, I watched "Three Identical Strangers" for a fourth time.

Posted by LetzGetReal [] There is a documentary video available with a contribution.

Posted by Metaqueen70I have seen two documentaries lately the first one was called Monster with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci.

Posted by BrunosticA little humor. People who watch doc's are not known for it ?

Posted by PalacinkyCurious if any of you just saw this– "No Man’s Land: the takeover of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge by Anti-Government Militias" and what your opinions were: []

Posted by SpinlieselHi there, it's me.

Posted by JustChrisIf you love sushi, or if you love culinary crafts and the pursuit of perfection, you'll love Jiro Dreams of Sushi. [] Anthony Bourdain loves the guy. []

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