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fishline79 7 May 20
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I take it you aren't sure about this one. That's OK. Thanks for joining. I'm no radical, mearly a pacifist who wants to try to enlighten some people on some points. I may be an athiest but most of my actions are goverened by the "Golden Rule".

@fishline79 yeah didn't know how to interpret that one.

@PeterDvorak Perhaps Cheryl is a bit strident on the subject but people tend to listen to hyperbole. She is an extreme liberal and holds strongly to her beliefs. And she's a damned fine songwriter too.


Love this! I'm going to reference it in a comment on another post.

pixiedust Level 8 May 20, 2018

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Posted by ShuMei2018Those of us who have actually served, unlike trump.

Posted by ShuMei2018Resist So many ways to do it.

Posted by ShuMei2018We must all care. We can no longer afford to say " it's not our problem".

Posted by FlexymoralsPeople like this feel empowered or encouraged to spread their hate.

Posted by fishline79To understand the reasons behind the growing gap between two political and social philosophies in our country today go back to the Reconstruction era and the subsequent "Jim Crow" laws and rise of ...

Posted by fishline79[]

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