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He NRA and its Republican allies have passed laws to choke off research into guns and gun deaths. We need to change that.


As I argued yesterday, one of the most dangerous refrains we hear every time guns are used to kill people is: “Don’t politicize this tragedy!” It is so dangerous because it has become an effective way to silence the conversation on guns even before it starts and, without a conversation, without coming to terms with the effects caused by our lack of anything resembling gun policy, nothing can be done. It should remind us of the decades-long campaign to erase gay persons from daily life, passing laws that force us into the closet, and keeping us at the margins so no one cares if we live or die.

Jaydickey dickey amendmentRepublicans, conservatives, and the National Rifle Association (NRA) have another weapon for shutting off debate even before it starts: the Dickey Amendment. In short, the Dickey Amendment, since its passage in 1996, cut off federal funds for research into guns, gun deaths, and gun safety. Even its eponymous sponsor, a mild-mannered former Republican congressman from Arkansas, Jay Dickey (pictured), regrets the abyss he helped create. The victims of gun deaths since 1996 and, especially, since the expiration of the Assault Weapons Ban certainly regret it. The only people that don’t seem to regret it are Republican members of the House and Senate and the leadership of the NRA. It’s time for the Dickey Amendment to go. And the only way to do that is to vote Republicans out of office.

fishline79 7 May 22
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We have two things here. One, the NRA is an organization that represents not more than ten percent of gun owners in the United States yet makes so much money through large-scale corporate donations and bank trickery that it can hold an entire political party hostage to it's whims-it spreads so much money around it is virtually impossible to go against them for any reason whatsoever. Here is the cash cow. Do right by this organization, they will keep you afloat. In turn, your policies ensure the money keeps flowing. Power needs money and money thrives on power. The faster this wheel spins, the more power becomes ultimately funneled to fewer holders. Then there's this: the populace that one has convinced of near infallibility (a separate matter) is always ARMED.

Yes, I'm surprised Trump hasn't assigned Blackwater as his official "Pretorian Guard". In a way, he has. Didn't he shuffle the Secret Service around, putting one of his bodyguards in charge? And wasn't he an X Marine "Soldier of Fortune". Maybe I'm just buying into conspiracy theories!

@fishline79 well, he DID keep his personal bodygaurds. That's a fact. He's no ex-marine. That's another fact. So, fifty-fifty.

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Posted by ShuMei2018Those of us who have actually served, unlike trump.

Posted by ShuMei2018Resist So many ways to do it.

Posted by ShuMei2018We must all care. We can no longer afford to say " it's not our problem".

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Posted by fishline79To understand the reasons behind the growing gap between two political and social philosophies in our country today go back to the Reconstruction era and the subsequent "Jim Crow" laws and rise of ...

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