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MY fellow ex-mos
How many of you were taught that if you behaved well, got your temple endowments, paid your tithes and married a good little Mormon, you would, one day have a planet of your own to be God of?
I thought I was, so did my wife and former daughter now eldest son.
Lots of my friends did too.
BUT NO!!!!!
We are all misremembering and lieing according to Apostle Dalek Hoax!
The church NEVER taught such blasphemous rubbish, some member may have good naturedly "SPECULATED" about it, but it was never doctrine, or policy or even a KSP of the so called church, and we all have to STFU about it immediately, lest the profane anti-mormon think we be fucking NUTS.

Apparently this announcement was made in 2004 as a result of the Book Of Mormon Musical making a big point out of it, but only to the entertainment press. BUT yesterday, in an attempt to hide it under 4th of July celebrations and the admonition that good little Mormites must not let off fire works on the sabbath, an official declaration was made on LDS dot Org the old H.Oax himself and the backlash was so server and so loud the offending page was removed within a couple of hours.
(Thank god for screen shots)
Bishops this morning all over the USA, The UK and Canada were desperately ringing round general authorities, Stake Presidents and 70s demanding to know if this was true and being told the usual "Yes technically it is, but the announcement was for investigators and reporters NOT for members, and they must stop reading it immediately."
The idea is that the doctrine will no longer be taught in primary, or young mens/womens and sundae school and will like the stone in the hat be forgotten about in a couple of generations.

Well I don't know about you but this smacks of the Church lieing then, or lieing now, or just being a bunch of lieing bastards full stop!
A desperate PR stunt gone wrong.

LenHazell53 9 July 4
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I found it very interesting - and disturbing as a believer - to discover how much of Anti-Mormon stuff came from Brigham Young himself (often directly from the pulpit during General Conferences) and actual church history. It was more than enough to piss me off and get rid of my garments.

RussRAB Level 8 July 8, 2021

I'll go with big time lies!!!

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Posted by LenHazell53Anyone else know this?

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Posted by CManHappy conference weekend

Posted by LenHazell53Saw this on reddit, sums things up quite well I thought

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