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Anyone here been Exed?
Who resigned?
Who is inactive but still on the rolls?

LenHazell53 9 July 12
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Quit attending at 17, X-ed at 24. I didn't know about resignation letters, I just figured that not going any more was enough. 71 now & never looked back.


I walked away at 12, couldn't resign until 18...letter of resignation was my birthday gift to them....

NormCastle Level 7 July 12, 2018

I resigned and then had to threaten them with legal action before they stopped bothering me.

@LenHazell53 I got a bunch of pestering as well until they decided to X me. Didn't break my heart5 at all.

@LenHazell53 I had to go to extremes living the the Salt Lake area....and I mean RUDE extremes....Posted a 2X3 foot, NO TRESPASSING SIGN on my front porch, visible from the street, AND THEY STILL KNOCKED ON THE they knocked, I ignored...they kept knocking, I went to the door told the to get off the porch or I would arrest them...they left, then returned to apologize, explaining again, "we are missionaries for the church of j.....well you know the drill...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I finally said, " I know who you are, and I have a question...which one of you wants to suck my dick !" They left, and have not ever returned...


I think they would consider me inactive. I haven’t gone to church in over a decade, but I’ve never officially asked them to take my name off of the rolls.

CurtisHall Level 5 July 12, 2018

You realise that means they are still claiming you as a member and using you as a statistic 🙂

@LenHazell53 if my existence ads to their hypocrisy, that’s their issue more than mine

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