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A mormon told me that "mormon" is a slur, has always been a slur, and they aren't going to take it any more. Since when? When I was a mormon, it was not considered a slur. In fact, mormons were proud to be named after the Book of Mormon and the prophet Mormon. I never encountered any shame over the name. Why is it now (and reportedly always has been?) a slur to be named after your own divine book of revelation?

Heraclitus 8 Dec 8
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It’s something their new prophet Russell Nelson decided a couple months ago. He said when you use the word “Mormon” that Satan is winning or something like that.

Daking Level 3 Dec 8, 2018

Well, I guess that means that Satan has been winning up until a few months ago. Wonder why the Lord has been so slow to catch on? Hasn't He been paying attention?


Funny that how they register all their web domains under either Mormon or LDS . whatever and now claim it is unacceptable.
It may sound cynical but COULD they be trying to disassociate themselves from all the shit they have in the last few years admit was true after all, even though they been excommunicating people for years for saying it?

Maybe they are trying to disassociate themselves from the embarrassing play "The Book of Mormon".

@Heraclitus That is very likely 😉


I was told in the 50's that the term was not acceptable, & had to use the whole long drawn out name. I was lds or I refer to it as moron.

Not a slur in the 70's. I guess what the Lord finds offensive changes back and forth with the times.

@Heraclitus Kind of flighty, huh?

Well, Yahweh was kinda flightly in the Old Testament, too. Abraham make a blood sacrifice of your only son...oops, wait, changed my's a ram to slaughter...just kidding...heh, heh.

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