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Joseph's Myth

LenHazell53 9 Dec 23
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This was the apex of my disappointment initially.. I joined in 1969 when Joseph and Oliver 'sat together physically translating the golden plates'. What a shock to learn it was a total fabrication...the nascent truth about most of the story to come later ( Perhaps he suffered from hypoxia from his head remaining in his hat too long...hallucinations would excuse outright fraud perhaps.

Then came the rest of the story...Book of Abraham folly, polygamy and polyandry. The Priesthood being given to all men at last; oh how I cried for joy until I learned it was a political maneuver to retain the Church's tax exempt status.

As a Bishop's wife my pain at having to play my part in a charade was palpable...also my marriage, my entire extended family..what would happen if I disclosed my total doubt in the myth?

Luckily my husband still respects and adores me although we have discordant beliefs . Our kids
understand...grandkids remain faithful returned missionaries of readying for calls. Perhaps we raised them as freer thinkers than I believed. My Siblings remain close. I'm even asked to ask a "blessing on the food", of course it isn't like theirs. Mine thanks the Tao for providence and requests sufficient for all and gives thanks for the plants and animals which provided our bounty.
no amens in anyone's name either.

I'm free, finally free from fear and guilt at not seeing the' Emporer's New Clothes'.'


Superwhiff Level 3 Dec 26, 2018


Heraclitus Level 8 Dec 23, 2018

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Posted by LenHazell53One afternoon in The Sacred Grove

Posted by CManSo Very True

Posted by LenHazell53Anyone else know this?

Posted by CManQuestion: Why are the mormon$ allowed to build & operate ca$ino$ in residential neighborhoods? Answer: Because the house always wins!!!

Posted by LenHazell53While mourning the deaths at Colorado Springs park to honor five people killed and 17 wounded in a weekend shooting at a gay nightclub.

Posted by snytiger6Just as I thought...

Posted by snytiger6LMAO... Help me Joseph Smith...

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Posted by snytiger6An apt description.

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Posted by snytiger6Sadly, I was raised Mormon...

Posted by LenHazell53LDS opens new incontinent "men only" old folks rest home in SLC

Posted by LenHazell53Proof that Mormons really are special

Posted by LenHazell53And Why is President Nelson Scrooge McDuck evicting people at Christmas? To build yet another Temple in Utah that no one wants or needs. These bastards just get worse and worse []

Posted by CManHappy conference weekend

Posted by LenHazell53Saw this on reddit, sums things up quite well I thought

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