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Well the internet is abuzz as April 2019 General conference draws to a close.
Apparently the wizzedmagott gave up on all other forms and sorts of combatting mass apostasy from the church and decided in stead to settle for the age old tactic of scaring the living shit out of the membership.
This came to a head today with the speech by Russell M Nelson's address telling members in no uncertain terms that apostates and leavers are ruining the afterlife for everyone by being so selfish as to not love their families enough to want to be with them for eternity.
The effect of this atrocious and evil speech has been 3fold.
First the people at the free legal service for resigning Mormons saw the highest communication ever on a Sunday or any other afternoon with literally thousands of resignations being logged in.
Second advice boards being flooded with people being threatened by family members such as parents and spouses with divorce, eviction etc. unless they "stop being selfish" and come back to church.
Third and most worrying a plague of attacks on ex Mormon members and an businesses threatening them with death and damnation if they don't repent and come back to church.
The church has gone in to all out panic mode, are literally battening down the spiritual hatches and gone full on Isolationist cult.

LenHazell53 9 Apr 7
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They have one to many m's in their name. They should be called Morons. 😛


Have you ever felt that if you started speaking that the dam would burst and all the resentment would come spilling out?! And Loathing and the ugliest part of yourself would just spew forth upon the land? That about sums it up.

Not cool to reply to myself but I guess that sort of addresses the ugliest part bit


Some of my Facebook friends are practicing Mormons that I grew up with. I’ve noticed an uptick in posts from them that are LDS related. It makes me think that it’s been suggested to them that they do this. Am I just imagining this?

twofortea Level 5 Apr 7, 2019

No there are internet missionaries (they join ex-mo groups and try to break them up from within, they also repost other members to their local stakes, MOST ARE SO INEPT YOU CAN SPOT THEM A MILE AWAY) and there is also a programme of encouragement to to use the net as a missionary tool with family and friends etc.


The religious politics of desperation.


Resignations sound good to me.

the more the merrier.
It is a great time to stand back and watch the so called church implode and dance about desperately after shooting itself repeatedly in the foot.

@LenHazell53 So heartbreaking....NOT!!!

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Posted by LenHazell53One afternoon in The Sacred Grove

Posted by CManSo Very True

Posted by LenHazell53Anyone else know this?

Posted by CManQuestion: Why are the mormon$ allowed to build & operate ca$ino$ in residential neighborhoods? Answer: Because the house always wins!!!

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Posted by snytiger6An apt description.

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Posted by CManHappy conference weekend

Posted by LenHazell53Saw this on reddit, sums things up quite well I thought

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