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AH the Mormon Church as always ready with an appropriate response to the tragedy in Paris, just right to make it ALL ABOUT THEM!

How will Utah officials protect the iconic Salt Lake Temple from a fire like at Notre Dame?


LenHazell53 9 Apr 16
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If it's important, it should have a fire suppression system, aka sprinklers.
It's not up to the state of Utah.

guynoir Level 6 Apr 21, 2019

You would thinks so would you not, but Mormon thinking is that since Utah is the Promised land given by God to the followers of the Prophet Brigham Young, then without the Church there would be no SLC, so out of gratitude and gratitude to God Utah should not expect the church to pay for its own legal safety requirements for such fake tourist traps as the SLC temple.
In short President Nelson declares "Gawd says Pay Me Bitches!!"


Isn't it almost all made of granite? Only in inside will burn. This is also a show of the lack of faith Mormons have. They pay lip service to promises of divine protection - tithing to keep your individual finances stable, garments to protect your body from harm, etc. - but when push comes to shove, they want every bit of manmade safeguards they can get. Pay more tithes and offering to protect the temples with material fixtures, while members and their families are to depend on less reliable means of protections. (Sorry fof the rant).

RussRAB Level 8 Apr 16, 2019

Nah, they just want the moolah
No one in the first presidency or the Apostles quorum of the twelve actually believe any of the shit they peddle.


Its a inanimate, impersonal, human made building!


It will be saved by divine intervention, don't you know? Nothing to worry about when you're God's one true church on earth....


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