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I grew up in Daytona Beach and after 30 years in Chicago, I'm now going to spend my winters here and probably a lot of the rest of the year as my Dad is now nearly 89 and alone (Mom passed last year). It's culture shock for me to be here anymore. I cheered myself up through the midterms by working for a Congressional candidate (who lost). I'll also like not filing state income tax next April as I have changed my legal residence. Now I HAVE to be here at least 6 months out of the year! I'm happy to look after my Dad but I really REALLY do not like Florida, never actually did, and especially dislike it now. sigh

DeStijl 6 Dec 29
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Thanks for ur comment.

weldy Level 4 Dec 31, 2018

You're welcome I guess!


I can understand why you wouldn't like it here if you dislike the heat and humidity. I am the opposite, I grew up here and lived all over the state and still love it. I lived in northern California for 8 years, and though I absolutely loved the people, politics, culture and variety of outdoor activities, I never got used to the summer nights that required jackets and long pants. When I would fly home,as soon as I stepped out of the A/C,I absolutely loved that feeling of heat that soaks into your bones. To this day, I enjoy the warmth of a hot car on a summer day after shopping the cold aisles of Publix. I will say I am not fond of the church on every corner, cracker conservatism, and smug "have a blessed day" from strangers that I've experienced in north Florida. Jacksonville was my least favorite place in the state, but I like living in Gainesville; while centered in the midst of the conservative cracker belt, it feels like a small pocket of sanity. But regarding the Leonardos on 13th and University, it should be protected as a national treasure, lol. It was single-handedly responsible for my "Freshman 15". I did read that Leonardos extended the lease until some time in 2010, however, so come on over from Daytona and we can meet for a slice 🙂

Notpauyet Level 5 Dec 30, 2018

Oh, and my 82 year old Mom may be moving in with me in the future. She currently lives with my niece in Okeechobee (now THAT is a place I would NOT want to live), but my niece is looking into buying property out of state, and she doesn't want to move with her. My Dad was a Physicist at NASA, and he passed a few years ago. My Mom often complains that she can't find another man who is as "smart" as he was and she doesn't enjoy the men she meets in Okeechobee. Maybe if she moves up here we can introduce her to your Dad, 😉

If it's still open and in its last days, I feel like I should make a pilgrimage!

@Notpauyet There's a "bereavement group" here but it's all women. I thought for sure that widows would find a reason to show up at the door with a casserole or a cake but it hasn't happened. Maybe because they know I'm here? So far my Dad is showing no signs of being interested in meeting any women anyway. It's been over a year and a half. He's very independent. He cooks for himself every day and everything.


I am with you on your sentiments. I am taking care of my mother. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. But there are other places I would prefer to be. Nothing against true Floridians, or the ones who tell me this is Paradise... Personally I don’t like Florida. (Hate? Only because I feel trapped sometimes.)

Yes, I am very happy to do this for my Dad. He doesn't need to be taken care of but he made it clear he was not handling being alone. When my Mom was alive and I was here a lot, he would tell me I could go back home. He thought he was keeping me from taking care of my own affairs. A few months after she died, I went back to Chicago intending to visit Daytona every 2 to 3 months. But when I came back for the holidays last year after Dad had been alone in the house for a few months, he made a case to me to come live with him. I knew he would not have done that unless he really did not want to be alone. So here I am! I think that by summer, he will be OK with me leaving for long periods of time, especially if he knows I'll be back. I really NEEEEEEEED some time away!!! I actually feel homesick. ALL. THE. TIME.

I agree.


Well. Welcome home ?

Mikeb56 Level 7 Dec 29, 2018

Just make sure that the time you spend here is not summer. I grew up in Florida, too and hate the heat and humidity in the summer -- and Florida cracker conservatism all year long.

wordywalt Level 9 Dec 29, 2018

Yeah even growing up in the heat and humidity I never got used to it. I really hate how it will rain for DAYS. One of my favorite things about Chicago is how the weather changes. It's never an extreme for long. My favorite weather is low-humidity cold. And snow. I love snow. I go out for walks when it snows.

Oh God don't remind me.

@DeStijl When I lived in Kansas, I can remember bundling up in insulated coveralls , going for a 2 - 3 mile walk in 10 degree , and loving it! I also enjoyed ice fishing.

@wordywalt The saying "there's no bad weather, only bad clothes" applies only to the cold as far as I'm concerned. There's nothing you can do when it's 90s in temperature AND humidity. I realized last summer that I got more fresh air and sunshine when I was home in Chicago than when I was here in Daytona.

@DeStijl Yeah. I sometimes get cabin fever during Florida summers. You just don't want to go out and do anything.

@wordywalt I grew up in Daytona and did not realize how much more oppressive summer is in the center of the state. I did one summer when I was in school in Gainesville and I remember every day I'd be so exhausted from the heat, I'd come back to my dorm room in the afternoon, crank the AC, and fall asleep. Nineteen years old and I couldn't handle it!

@DeStijl I know what you mean. I spent 4 years in grad school in Gainesville.

@wordywalt Did you hear the Leonardo's at 13th and University CLOSED!!!!

@DeStijl That is genuinely surprising!

@wordywalt It may not be closed yet but it's going to be the new site for the music school.


I was born and raised in Florida. I lived up north. Not for me. The culture is cool but I can't deal with the cold. Too many problems for living. It also screws your bones up. Nope I'm good. Hopefully you'll find something to do here.

MrChange Level 7 Dec 29, 2018

Screws your bones up?????

@DeStijl arthritis. Sorry I didnt clarify

@MrChange My paternal grandmother had severe arthritis and she would never let us put a window unit anywhere in her house. She lived in a tiny town in Sumter county. As a kid I would complain that it was so hot to visit Grandmama but I remember my parents telling me that her joints hurt and the heat made her feel better.


I feel ya', I'm pretty much stuck down here with my 88 year old Dad until he really and truly can no longer remain in his own home. But we have to do for our parents. I don't feel a good cultural fit in this part of Florida, either. I hope you can make the best of the situation! I'll tell you, watching DeSantis win nearly made me bolt out of here in the middle of the night for anywhere else! Between the humidity and the politics, I'm struggling.

At least when I growing up, Florida was actually pretty reliably Democratic back when old folks voted to protect their Social Security and you could be a "conservative Democrat." I never liked the beach and I was actually rather goth before that was a thing. Difficult to do in Florida in the 70s! I went to the ultimate surfer-kind of high school. I was proud to go to the University of Florida but then I couldn't get out of this state fast enough! My Dad is from here and my Mom's family moved here from NYC in the 50s. It was VERY weird when my parents moved to a retirement community---IN MY HOMETOWN! I am actually in DeSantis's former Congressional district. It's so red, one of the GOP primary candidates spent all voting day here at our voting precinct. I'd love to know who is giving out all the "Keep Christ in Christmas" car magnets I see ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME.

@DeStijl oh shit. That's funny. I'm sorry you have to deal with this red ass state. I must admit that's the one thing I really hate about Florida. A damn church on every corner. Bullshit.

@MrChange There are so many f'ng churches in Port Orange, the city had to put a moratorium on building any more or the tax base was going to collapse. And I don't know WHAT is the deal with these things. They are on EVERY OTHER CAR I SWEAR. All year round, not just now.


My daughter hates Florida but is stuck here for the time being too. Hopefully you’ll both be able to leave again.

kltuckmn Level 7 Dec 29, 2018

I will spend as much time back home in Chicago as I can arrange and as my Dad is comfortable with. Fortunately, he's actually very healthy. He's still adjusting to losing my Mom.


Give it a chance, it'll grow on you, especially when up north is frozen and we are here at 80F.

Mofo1953 Level 9 Dec 29, 2018

Read my post again. I GREW UP HERE. I left on purpose. And I happen to really like four seasons. I also love winter clothes.

The cold never bothered me, anyway. /elsa

@seaspot_run didn't bother me either when I lived in Boston, this was my home in Milton, but I much prefer the warmth of Florida.

@DeStijl good for you then. Go back there as soon as you are able.

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