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Hi all. OK....gotta brag. I bought my second Tesla. Just drove it home. The love has been renewed, and taken to another level. This one has all the "bells and whistles" I avoided in the first model, that I ordered in 2013. Remember; any owner can give you a code to buy at a discount...although the discounts and perks to owners have gone downhill for years...let me know!

Here's the link to the Tesla owner's group. Any questions? ask me.

"Tesla owners/drivers/lovers" Group

Robecology 9 Jan 14
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How are you liking it now, since you have it broken in?

k80b619 Level 5 Apr 10, 2019

Thanks for asking.

I'm in car-driver heaven. It's quiet. It's faster than my first one. An even better sound system.

It has features I still haven't figured out how to use yet. (the "summon" feature and the "homelink" feature).

Two things that are disappointing are

  1. The auto-pilot. Very over-hyped. It gets confused crossing the double stripped lines getting in to HOV lanes. It demands hands-on-the-wheel all the time...and if you feel you're coming to close and pull the wheel to firmly the auto-pilot disengages...again...I don't recommend it.

  2. The white carpeting. That's kind of my fault....I chose an "on the lot" model instead of being patient and custom designing what I wanted. I already have some serious stains on that white carpeting....not a good decision...but I saved about $5K for choosing a model already there....

@Robecology OMG White carpet!!? LOL

Otherwise, Glad you are enjoying it! Embrace the future!


Enjoy !!!!

IamNobody Level 8 Jan 18, 2019

You need pictures or better yet a youtube video - Bragging without pictures is like a fishermans claim lol

Ormonddude Level 4 Jan 15, 2019

For a You-tube video;


Congratulations. I like cars too. Drive it in good health. Avoid using the horn except for emergencies too!

sapiofile Level 5 Jan 14, 2019

Did you send the old one into outer space? Haha

I guess you know what she’s referring to...if not...check this out..


Here’s the story behind the launching of that Roadster in to a Mars/earth orbit.



At least you admit you're bragging. Ugh.

DeStijl Level 6 Jan 14, 2019

Bragging...proud...excited....a major decision, and a major accomplishment....for a retired public school teacher who had no inheritance, no prize money, and never made over $80k in any one year.


How many you bought... ? Just saw this post lol

I bought my first one the first year I retired as a teacher, in 2013. I’ve had the White S for 5 years, 7 months. I just traded it in for the new one.

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