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I'm making some major changes in my life.

I'm planning for my first tattoo. I've thought of either something related to my Irish/Welsh ancestry, or creating a symbol representing my arduous departure from fundamental xianity.

I've looked at some renditions of the Green Man that intrigue me, but I've not settled on anything. As far as the symbol of leaving the man-made skydaddy, I'm at a loss.

Anything reasonable come to mind to get my imagination going?

Coppersmith1965 6 Aug 4
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For mine i looked into mithology and popular culture and together with the artist came up with a style that tells a story.
Read the lore, you will find some tale that you like, then go to an artist and discuss it.

Pedrohbds Level 7 Sep 6, 2018

This is a link to a green man tattoo that is on track to what I'm looking for:



I'm thinking between jacopod and Spinliesel's ideas with the added twist of leaving fundamentalism. I don't know, maybe some graphic of the destruction of the old religious way in favor of the pre-xian pagan symbols of Ireland/Wales. I'm not so much wanting to recapture ancient pagan rituals and practices as much as I want to obliterate the xian concepts in my thinking insofar as they longer control or manipulate me.

Maybe after that first expression I'll just pick art that interests me here and now.


Irish would be harp, possibly, Welsh ,would be daffodil.

jacpod Level 8 Aug 5, 2018

Go to Search for Irish/Welsh symbols. You'll be flooded with cool tattoo ideas.


I started my first tattoo with the mindset of wanting it to mean something to me, now i just get whatever I like. Everything grows on you with time. Whatever you decide to get make sure you post some pics for us all to see.

Tejas Level 8 Aug 4, 2018

You bet I'll share it! I'll be busting at the seems to show somebody.

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