8 4

Guitarists, can I get some help? Based on the symbols shown, what am I supposed to do with the 6th string for the Am/E chord?

I'd guess it should be strummed open -- that's what makes it a second inversion chord -- but if so, why isn't it shown with the round circle above like other open strings?

Edit: I've seen unmarked strings (neither marked with an x nor with a circle) on other chords and from multiple sources, so I have to assume it actually means something and isn't just a typo.

cmadler 7 June 25
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Context is important here as well. I would the open E if the next chord were an F variant or something the low E will lead in to.

JSchaper Level 6 July 29, 2018

In these days, Google is a handy tool. For your reading pleasure:



If it's marked with an "X" - don't play that string.
If it's marked with an "O" - play it open.
If there's NO mark, it's optional. Obviously, playing the open E in the Am/E chord would be correct, but not mandatory.

drumreaper Level 5 June 26, 2018

That's about what I was guessing, but thanks for confirming it!


You must listen to what you are playing, it need not agree with any chord chart, as notation goes it’s little more than a jumping off point. If you like what you played do it even if it’s wrong... follow the music grasshopper.


yep pretty much agree with ken. Youd have to play the low E to make it sound like its label of course (and thats the third inversion btw, second inversion would have a C as the bass note). to me, x means to mute the string, an o would mean to play it open, but the absence of the x or o sorta means don't mute it but don't lay into it so hard either id kinda let it ring with the chord but not make it the focal point if that makes any sense.

Wurlitzer Level 8 June 26, 2018

@PerbeMayhaps ok yeah the OP was correct I forgot and was thinking of first inversion as the original stacked triad. but of course first inversion is starting with the third scale degree, second inversion starting at the 5th. yeah apologies @cmadler you were correct there.

@Wurlitzer Yeah, when the root is in the bass it's called "root position"...or just "A minor" with no further designation. I don't know about guitar notation norms, but normally in music theory if no inversion is indicated, a chord is assumed to be in root position.


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273kelvin Level 8 June 26, 2018



It's music. There's often not a right or wrong. Play both and see how much difference you think it makes to the tune/song. I don't really use chords much but i would take the x in the diagram to mean don't play this string and nothing above the diagram would make it kind of optional.
Chords, especially, on the guitar are often not an exact science. Music is about sound so your ears are often the most reliable indicators 🙂

JimmyM Level 7 June 26, 2018

Yeah, what kenriley said.

nvrnuff Level 8 June 25, 2018
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