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Do most on here pick one stock and stay with that stock only? Do you ever go to the heat map and look at stocks really green and making money?
Sometimes I get frustrated with the market going down but I have a diversified style and today i watched things tumble, I had a list of what the millennials buy and got a few of those stocks and added from the heat map. I only added 1 today, 4 yesterday and instead of a total collapse suddenly around 3pm UP they went. If I didn't diversify I'd be crying.
Take a look at GNUS and read the profile. It's interesting.

K9Kohle789 8 Mar 17
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Diversified is most likely to ease your ulcers . Putting all your money into one stock , can be very scary .On the other hand having one or a few stocks that you can really study , and understand what things affect it's likely daily changes . I kept seeing that specific tech stocks were going to zoom up , but they seemed to be keeping which particular stock that was . Eventually , I purchased several tech stocks , at the same time , for approximately the same amount of money for each stock , then let the results talk to me . I sold off the one with the lowest profit and bought more of the highest profit . It had a wave pattern to its. daily price , so I set out to buy low and sell high. Did very well all of last year, but the unexpected extremes this year , could have made me a small fortune , had I been better at realizing how extreme the prices would range .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 17, 2021

I started with 4 stocks and slowly built to 10 with a bit of money in cryptos as well but I am planning on selling two and possible three stocks when they hit the points I am looking for. I haven't seen a heat map and will have to look into them as they sound interesting!

Donna_I Level 8 Mar 17, 2021

@K9Kohle789 cool!

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Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainGood correction. I actually consulted with a lot of people.

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