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If you use Ameritrade find the stock you like, say NVDA type it in and click on the right side that says NVDA, that is the entire story of NVDA, after that look on the right side where the charts are and click on VIEW MORE DETAILS. It seems most of the largest investors in this stock are dropping like flies. Two of them sold over 40k in stock. You can also see bloggers views, the stories about the stock around the net, the level from 1-10. On the left you can find all the stories concerning the stock you're looking at. I never did that before and its good info.
Also in a book I was reading the guy followed BARRONS an online newspaper pretty much all about which stocks are doing well and which aren't and future predictions etc. You're supposed to buy the magazine but I can still see the words beneath the white cover.

K9Kohle789 8 Sep 6
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I do the search and look at the charts routinely , but aside from comments from other investment organizations , I haven't located that ,"View More Details ," you are talking about , The old Scotrade had a place where you could view what officers of a company were selling their own shares on their companies stock and I'd love to be able to reference that again , but haven't found it in the T.D.Ameritrade software .

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 6, 2021

Hi K9Khole . Thank you for posting ! As I wrote earlier , I sold off at a profit , and then the price kept going up . Wish I had waited for that , before selling . When I sold , I sold off 1,200 shares at $206 , I think it was , after which , the price per share went up to $230 . I'm so glad to see that you are doing more research .

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 6, 2021

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Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainGood correction. I actually consulted with a lot of people.

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