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Just over 6 months ago I decided to sign up for the Visa card. I was in love with the rewards I was getting from my Discover and was blown away that I could get 3% cash back on all of my purchases. So I bought $4k worth of CRO ('s native coin you need to buy and stake to get the card) at about $0.11/coin. At the time, I never expected that coin to go up in value, but it did. A lot. It's currently at $0.58/coin, and with all the rewards I was getting, my CRO portfolio is now worth about $25k. I'm currently buying more every day to work my way toward the next tier card.

Right now at the $4k level I get 3% cash back, free Spotify, free Netflix, and 10% annual interest on my staked $4k of CRO paid weekly (which had turned out to be worth WAY more than $400/yr because the coin increased in value. The CRO I earned in just 6 months is actually worth $960 so far. That's a whopping 48% annual interest!!)

Soon I will be able to upgrade to the $40k card which also includes free Amazon Prime, and increases the interest to 12% annually.

Every prediction I've read on CRO is good. Some really conservative estimates only predict this year and put it at $0.85-1/coin. Other predictions have it going to $25/coin in 2025. But even if they're stagnant, the rewards you can get are unparalleled. I'm going to be getting $38/mo of free subscription services I use plus $4,800 a year in interest.

Most importantly everyone talks about getting in on the ground floor and how that's when you really make money. Well folks, I truly believe this is still the ground floor because...

The app only has 10 million downloads. There are 260 million adults in the US alone. If you get in now, you'll be in the first 4% of the US.
There are only 200 million people in the world that have crypto assets out of near 8 billion. Investing now puts you in the top 3%.

I've been helping friends and family sign up so they can enjoy the great rewards and possibly jump on a huge money making opportunity, and I figured I'd offer my knowledge to anyone here that wants it as well. If you sign up and stake at least $400 of CRO, you get the free Spotify and 10% interest, plus 2% back on all your purchases, plus we both get a free $25 worth of CRO. I didn't have a friend to help me or give me a link, so I missed out on the free CRO (which would be worth near $150 now and climbing) so be sure to use the link below if you're interested in signing up.

Use my referral link [] to sign up for and we both get $25 USD 🙂

Do you own crypto?

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ChestRockfield 8 Jan 1
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anyone who thinks that govts are going to just stand by & allow their fiat currencies(which is all that keeps them in power) to be usurped by a serious contender is an idiot.

El Salvador already made Bitcoin a national currency...

Furthermore, crypto has been around for a long time and the government is collecting tax on both earnings from and payments with crypto, so I'm not sure exactly you think their problem is.

@JeffMurray , El Salvador is a small country with a GDP about the size of Rhode Island.
the President wears his ball cap backwards which should tell you something.
within a year BTC will take another huge hit & go down another 30+%.
we'll see how brilliant hat backwards looks then as the ppl there sink deeper into abject poverty.

@callmedubious People have been saying that every year since 2009 and here we are. Guess we'll see in a year...


there's no there there.


Tell me all about your fundamental analysis of the underlying assets.

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Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by Cast1esReal estate can be a good way to invest , even if it's only the home you live in , but sometimes , there are unexpected costs .

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainGood correction. I actually consulted with a lot of people.

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