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I thought when I joined this grouppp that the last thing we would discuss is religion , this is after an athiest groupp . I really don't like critizing others just becaust their beliefs are different than mine . But the big thing here seems to poke fun at others fro what they believe . How extremely small are the people on here . Why do theyfel the need to poke fun at others , whom in all likely hood are not on this site and aren't going to see you ridicule any how . Congratulation little people .

Cast1es 9 Apr 19
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I originate from England. English humour is opposite to USA humor in that English laugh at themselves whilst USA humor laughs at others. Self deprecation versus belittling.


You learned something.

yvilletom Level 8 Apr 20, 2022

The most idiotic thing I find on this site about religion is all those who keep wanting to have a creator god who had no interest in us after creation. OK Folks. That is called Deism. Not having science as we do today, our founders used that one. The "Christian Nation" people then use this to claim our founders knew about god and they want their god in school classrooms. Some form of this is always going on, here and in other forums.

Never giving up and admitting that we just do not know, next comes the group that thinks god was a spaceman. They altered our DNA. I'm not sure what they altered before we really knew about DNA, but you get the point. It's a nice explanation that opens up more problems than it solves. Meanwhile, we all continue to discuss religion one way or another.

DenoPenno Level 9 Apr 20, 2022

You're conflating a few different topics here:

1) Discussing religion: Religion has been a force in the world for centuries. Being an unbeliever doesn't mean one shouldn't seek to understand exactly what religion is, where it came from, and does. It also helps to know the arguments of religion, in order to better withstand them and help others see the fallacies involved in believing in supernatural powers.

2) Criticizing other beliefs: This is connected to point 1, but subtly different. It is not limited to critiquing religion, but to all types of baseless or irrational beliefs (Bigfoot, science denialism, venture capitalism, Trumpism, etc). Of course we critique these beliefs, even if the site itself is so divided in certain areas that mostly members are simply preaching to the choir and aren't going to convince anyone of their point of view.

3) Poking fun at religion: If someone sincerely believes that a dove impregnated a virgin 2000 years ago, giving birth to God who also fathered God (fathering himself, in essence), and that the mortal bit of God rose came back from the dead and physically rose into the sky, and therefore the Pope or some TV preacher with blow-dried hair becomes the ultimate authority on everything... well, those beliefs are pretty damn funny. People who believe ridiculous things are open to ridicule. That's the way of the world.

Paul4747 Level 8 Apr 20, 2022

People live on spectrums. One of them has selfish and unselfish at its ends.

Another has passive and aggressive at its ends. A spectrum I find interesting has powerful and powerless at its ends.

There’s more to this. Others can and perhaps will say it.

yvilletom Level 8 Apr 20, 2022

The discussion of any topic on its own merits is different than taking someone on for believing a particular topic or content. I respect the people who feel particular topics have a concern for others. I appreciate what people have to say on a particular subject, but this in no way concerns the particular persons belief. Topics are all for discussion, the constitution of a particular person is not. People have the right to say what they want as others have the right to comment on the content, not the person.


yes, i agree. their childish humor is not funny & reflects badly on them.

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