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OK guys, just chasing a little feedback for this one.
I am an aspi, even though the term has lost currency now.
A couple of days ago I ran into a friend who said many times during the conversation that she was neurotypical. She said her partner was aspi, which I sort of knew as I met him a couple of time about 12 years ago.
The other thing which makes him not fit in is that he was raised very wealthy, always had everything given to him, told her never had to worry re school because he would never need to work. I am almost totally lacking in emotional behaviour, so most people think of me just as very stable, very boring. When I told her that I had aspergers and inside my head my world is totally different from how I present myself, she asked if her partner could come visit me for a chat, he had begun seeing counsellors etc.

I gave her my number, he messaged within the hour, and yesterday visited for 5 hours. A day later my head is still hurting. He never shut, I hardly got a word in edgewise, and the talk was mostly edging on inappropriate ie crude or about his money or both. Since I saw him last he has inherited about 50 million. My weekly income is $200 and I have under $300 in the bank so a little bit of a difference there. He was telling me about all the money he has given his partner and her kids, we are talking about 1.5 million all up.

But along with this was his frustration that she is caring for an elderly mother and spends time with her kids. They don't live together but less than 30 minutes drive. He wanted advice on how to manage the problems the aspergers caused.
All I could see was the problems cause by the fact that he has lived a spoilt sheltered life and expects everybody's world revolves around him. His kids hate him, he does not get on well with his siblings. His kids and siblings are also wealthy so money is only a bit of their problem. Though the kids apparently do want some more of the pie.

I don't get on with my birth family, but I would rather keep my relationship with my kids than have his money.
Apart from the screaming headache he left me with, I am frustrated that he is blaming his aspergers for his relationship problems with his partner, his siblings and his kids. Every 5 minutes he would remind me of his aspergers, I know a guy who is now 23, have known him since he was 6 and is the hardest aspi case I know. Still cannot see beyond his own perspective, needs, wants etc. Yet he is getting better behaviour wise.

###Am I wrong in feeling that this guy is playing on his aspergers as an excuse to be less caring about others needs and that he thinks by throwing money at people he can control them?
He is seeing the counselor this week, the counsellor operates twice a week from my work premises, but of course cannot discuss patient issues. I wonder if I will get any feedback at some point from his partner.

Rugglesby 8 Apr 6
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Go with your gut, Rugglesby. And next time, charge what professionals charge. That might help alleviate your headache.

I like that idea.


Poor little rich kids with a heaping side of Personality Disorders...

@sarahjustme, whereas poor people like me learn Cognitively Behavioral Therapy from the book and slowly get better because we're self-motivated.

@TaraMarshall I have heard of cbt, and feel it is something I really should look into, but time is so scarce.


My mother has money and uses it to control people. (Which is why I am the black sheep of the family because I don't take to being controlled very well).

He seems high on narcissism. He is definitely out of touch with people who have to work for a living.

Your instinct seems right.

I think we need a group for black sheep.

@Rugglesby we do!


I think referring him to counselling with a "I really don't have a lot of insight into the problems you are facing."

Coping methods you have learned may or may not help him.

Unless you feel like you are going to get something that you need or want out of the relationship, I would just move on politely.

arnies Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

good plan, which is how I plan to go.


I am HFA, and VERY empathic. But totally inappropriate, left to my own devices. I have learned major coping skills, over the past 50 years; thankfully I had an evil twin that I could emulate to mimic social interaction. And I learned a LOT from my late wife.

I have gotten lots better with age,; but I still don't get body language, only a bit of facial expression (profoundly deaf and had to learn to read lips/faces). I don't read between ANY lines. And worst of all, I don't do friend very well at all.

From your description of the fuckwit, I would venture to guess that along with SOME ND issues, he is also a narcissist. I am very familiar; a couple of my siblings (evil twin especially) are extremely narcissistic. Their whole world revolves around THEM.

Tedious fux, for the most part, but they CAN be entertaining at times. Limited times


I'm not sure, I met a wealthy Aspie (only a millionaire) who was doing voluntary unemployment until the right job came along, and he turned out to be an a-hole with an agenda who personalized everything I said. Le sigh...

yeah, I think maybe with money they don't have to try as hard as the rest of us. I know I "play act" with my public persona, I have predetermined scripts of behavior in my head before interacting with anybody. When I was young, it was either that or lose my job.

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