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I wrote this in response to a post by someone who was annoyd by a mom thanking god for her beautiful daughter. Because some people can't have kids or they die type of sentiment. Im making it its own post because it got long and seemed like an inappropriate overeaction to the well intended meme.
This day does piss me off though and not just because I hate Halmark Holidays don't celebrate them and as a waitress and now a nursing home worker this day has always been very serious pain in my a**.

It seems like a very large portion of the internet is dedicated to reminding woman they are not better or more important because they had kids. All the people on my mental health and autism groups are talking sht about moms today too as well as my liberal groups that like to bash uneducated poor people for being "breeders"

People get down on moms and taking pride in being one. And accuse people of acting superior when doing so. I do believe it's more ethical not to have kids and a solid life choice, and yes some people can't for whatever reason.

But seriously WTF. When you are a parent and even more so on average as a mom you lose your free time and many life opportunities you are no longer the priority for decades. Your body is changed, often drastically and you have to deal with kid stuff in literally every aspect of your life. Its like oneself being "important" just ends.

So yeah, some decide to take pride in the parenting. Like one does with things that consume your fcking life.

Seriously fck off (people in general not you). I'm reminded very frequently by my teenagers and my place in life as a single parent that I am not "better".

Being proud and in love with your small child is not an evil thing to express online. Its sad that it might make some people feel bad but Any thing you might share might make some people feel bad who don't have it. Same goes for nice jobs or big houses or safe cars or happy relationships or still alive moms who people can call. ALL of those things make me feel bad when people post about them. Being a mom is one people really push back on though and make people feel trashy who are in a very delegitimizing place..

MsAl 8 May 10
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I think they are not hating against all moms. It is a very specific type of sanctimommy (be honest you've seen them) that act like child bearing and pregnancy is some miracle or gift (if almost anyone can do it, it's not a damn miracle) and DO behave like kids made them better people. And talk about others like the ONLY way they could be good people, is if or once they have kid(s) themselves. And then that BS line of it is the most important job out there. pffft. If you are not one of those on your high horse, your kid(s) are the most special gift to the world, types of moms, it is not about you. No point in getting offended on behalf of self righteous moms, imo.

It seems to be aimed mostly at moms that aren't perfect. Ones who didn't react correctly to mental health issues or made them read the bible. Ones that worked to much or stayed home to much or told them what to do or didnt care enough to tell them what to do or didn't stand up for themselves or who put themselves first.

It's real and its viscous. Moms are the villain. Its offensive.

The meme that triggered it wasnt sancimonious. Just happy and in love with a baby.

@MsAl I would say reacting to mental illness with recommendations of biblical readings is toxic and harmful. We wouldn't tell someone with a broken limb or diabetes to read the bible. why should it be any different for mental illnesses? Some moms are indeed the villains and are abusive or neglectful. Acknowledging that fact does not strike me as vicious or offensive. YMMV


Maybe you're taking this wrong. First of all anyone who thanks god(s) for their children is delusional. There is no god(s). There's a wealth of scientific knowledge about this universe and there has been no evidence of anything godlike. Children can be wonderful, but not all are well behaved and can make their parents miserable.

Theresa_N Level 8 May 10, 2020

It wasn't the religious aspect that pissed me off. Although the self righteousness of atheists is also overinflated. Mabey I'm just a btch.

Kids are humans. They don't do what makes everyone happy all the time.
That would be extremely unhealthy.
I wasn't mad at the kids.
I was mad at the self righteous buttholes who are moms or aren't who judge blame and demeanize moms for every reason immaginable.

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Posted by AnnaledaI see there is not a lot of activity in this group.

Posted by of-the-mountainWhy has Zoology become so zoological??? Seems some want to revert too, what others might want too? I hope this is not condescending in any way!!! Just a condition maybe some can question???

Posted by AiveryThis sucks

Posted by pamb68Hang in there

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