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Hi! I have ADHD, anxiety, depression, and while I can leave the house, it scares me enough that I am in therapy to try to overcome it. My husband's depression is bad enough that he landed in the hospital recently and is now receiving ECTs since his meds. didn't do enough to help him. Both of us have had depression all our lives, and have had mixed results in dealing with it and our other problems. Still, I have to say that meds. and treatments are much better than they were 20-30 years ago.

MLRoach 4 May 21
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I've had ECT and am on numerous meds for depression, GAD, and physical pain. The ECT caused profound memory loss. The one thing thats helped is cannabis. THC relieves all my symptoms, not to the point that I can quit all my meds but to the poing that the mental and physical pain is not all consuming.

Theresa_N Level 8 Apr 4, 2019

Oh and cute cat. Is it a Maine Coon?


I too have ADHD, depression and some others. I'm 28 and went to my first ever psych ward at the age of 12. Was in the mental health system way before that though. I've spent most of my already short (depending on how you look at it) life in the mental health system. LIFE IS LIKE A ROLLERCOASTER. YOU HAVE TO GO DOWN TO GO UP and vice-versa. You may think that it can't get any worse but remember, it has to get really bad before it can get really good.

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Posted by AnnaledaI see there is not a lot of activity in this group.

Posted by of-the-mountainWhy has Zoology become so zoological??? Seems some want to revert too, what others might want too? I hope this is not condescending in any way!!! Just a condition maybe some can question???

Posted by AiveryThis sucks

Posted by pamb68Hang in there

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