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Hey, I just finished reading this great study on Satan as a political symbol. Let me know what you think, it's not too long, hopefully this link

KJThomas 6 Dec 31
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KJThomas Level 6 Jan 9, 2019

it is a bit frustraiting to me that the author calls them all socailists rather than anarchists, considering that all 3 of the people they name in the abstract are anarchist and not marxists (socialism often being seen by most people as synonymous to marxism or communism). Proudon was in fact the person who first used the term anarchist as a lable to describe a set of political and ecconomic ideas that he espoused; despite the fact that his ideas today would be more accurately described as a form of municipal council communism or democratic mutualism.

Bakunin on the other hand was certainly and explicitly an anarchist to the degree that Engles collected information against him to turn over to the government about his seditious activities and he lost most of his teeth from scurvy during his years in prison. God and The State by Bakunin was amongst the first anarchist writings I ever read, and in fact I have a quote from Bakunin tattooed on my arm.

I don't know if the author chose socialism rather than anarchism to make it more inclusive for other examples they wanted to incorporate, or to make it more palatable to an audience they figured would be adverse to anarchism as is so often done by leftists like Amy Goodman.

Intersting side note, not sure if this is said in the article but there was an american anarchist journal in the 40s called Lucifer The Lightbringer which was one of the few radical publications of the early 20ths centtury to addvocate for the acceptance of homosexuality.



Ugh, sorry it ended up being behind a paywall, I think someone just gave it to me originally.

KJThomas Level 6 Jan 3, 2019

No link . . . ?

Dougy Level 7 Jan 1, 2019
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