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I woke up this morning with renewed energy and fervor. As a Satanist, Satan is a symbol of defiance, independence, wisdom and self-empowerment, and serves as an affirmation of natural existence.

As Satanists, we are ever mindful of the plight of women and outsiders throughout history who suffered under the hammer of theocracy and yet fought to empower themselves.

Self determination and the power of the self is a beautiful thing. I try hard on a daily basis to actively challenge arbitrary authority in defense of personal sovereignty.

Thank you for creating this group and your work.

Hail Satan!
Ave Satanas!

Thedragon 4 May 30
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Enjoy being online again!

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Ethics and principles are fine to follow but all the alleged gawds believed dueling somewhere UNKNOWN in the cosmos calling each other bad or good powerful or impotent ....all such "symbols" ARE THEISTIC never Atheistic in reality.....Satanic Atheism is oxymoronic gibberish


Thanks for the post dragon! Satan is a perfect symbol to represent outsiders because historically satan has represented enemies of the church or church authorities. Rival religions, the gods of rival religions, free sexuality and the empowerment of women... these are all issues that come up again and again.

KJThomas Level 6 Sep 27, 2019

And all issues that I’m passionate about and thinking about daily. Total Rebel and ultimate adversary to the outdated dogma and Patriarchy


All that makes any sense about the term satanism is the symbol of 666 and it’s relations to 6 neurones 6 protons and 6 electrons which are the components of the human body. So using that concept, we’d have to argue that we are all satanist. But to the term satanism id say it’s only a sound that effects hundreds of people in different ways and the hundreds of different languages used to describe the ideology. So, without using the terms that create the symbolism I’d say yay. I am a child of 666 and a human being.

Debbera Level 5 June 23, 2019

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Posted by CliffordCook([thesatanictemple.

Posted by KJThomasHere's a statement I circulated among my local Satanic group here in the Bay Area in response to the election of Joe Biden. In case anyone is interested.

Posted by TampabrewHope everyone is staying clean. I'm psyched that my local FoG is getting really close to chapterhood.

Posted by KJThomasLupercalia pic!

Posted by PolyComradeNew peice of Satanic jewelry. Just wanted to show it off

Posted by IpraiseMYSELFthe bible is stupid!

Posted by KJThomasTickets people. []

Posted by KJThomasCome check this out if you're in the Bay Area! I wrote the sketch/pageant portion of the show, it's going to be such a great time.🖤😈🖤

Posted by KJThomasCome check this out if you're in the Bay Area! I wrote the sketch/pageant portion of the show, it's going to be such a great time.🖤😈🖤

Posted by PolyComradeHaven't seen much activiy here lately. How's everyone doing? Here's a couple updated random photos of my altar

Posted by PolyComradeHaven't seen much activiy here lately. How's everyone doing? Here's a couple updated random photos of my altar

Posted by PolyComradeHaven't seen much activiy here lately. How's everyone doing? Here's a couple updated random photos of my altar

Posted by MazikeenHey fellow Satanists! Let’s see your cute goat pics!

Posted by ThedragonHorns up! 🤘🏼

Posted by PolyComradeCool thrift store find

Posted by PolyComradeWorking on putting together my altar. I have a long way to go but I like how it is coming together

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