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Who is Bill Gates? I am looking to understand him better. I have been reading criticism of him. Understand he has been a target of right-wing attacks as of late. He's also called a great humanitarian. I want to know more. Books, articles, ideas he has expressed. Anything of interest. What are some key points you have heard about him that you find most interesting or expressive of him as a person?

Flowerwall 7 Apr 21
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For one thing he's generous and cares about the earth and those who occupy it .

Besalbub Level 8 Apr 24, 2020

. . . just HOW MANY billions did Warren Buffet give to the Bill & Linda Gates Foundation ?

. . .btw, in the interviews of Linda, I have found her even more impressive. 🙂

I read something about him negative. Association with a well known person that can be described as a having serious character issues, you know unethical. Is it a lie?

@Flowerwall too vague. source ?

@FearlessFly Yeah, it's true. The original allegation. I had not heard it before. It's been a story for some months. I think this is not a good indicator.

@Flowerwall . . . that's ambiguous -- the billions (which I knew) or "something about him negative" ?


He hired his father to give away money to charity

I don't know much about Gates. I mean I know the obvious facts. Don't know about his family. His father is described in positive ways from brief article I read. Seems like a genuinely good human being.

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