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The Schizophrenic World Of Quantum Interpretations....

My cousin recently asked for my opinion on this subject... I'm curious what you all think as well.... Would love to consider your thoughts before I respond.

The main questions are: "Does it seem reasonable that you can alter a quantum system just by looking at it? What about creating multiple universes by merely making a decision? Or what if your mind split because you measured a quantum system?"

The key concern I think my cousin has when seeking to interpret/understand the article is mainly what to make of the "Copenhagen interpretation" and the "Many Worlds" interpretation.

When considering these questions I think it is important to consider the human aspect of these theories as well. Particularly how, "Everett's daughter, Elizabeth, died by suicide in 1996 (saying in her suicide note that she wished her ashes to be thrown out with the garbage so that she might "end up in the correct parallel universe to meet up w[ith] Daddy" )" []

The story of the copenhagen interpretation also had its own tragic angle with, "The Struggles of Paul Ehrenfest".

Thoughts and comments welcome, please. Thank you! 🙂

SergeTafCam 5 May 1
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I think it important that questioner know well:

  1. how science and science fiction differ, and
  2. how the religious method (authority) and the scientific method (investigation) differ.
yvilletom Level 8 May 4, 2020

"When considering these questions I think it is important to consider the human aspect of these theories as well"

Why? Unless I'm missing somethimg here. Physics works independently of humans. It's a little ethnocentric to insert humans into the equation. The only reason to assume humans are important at all is if you are referring to the bias introduced in the process of measurement and observation (sort if a Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle). Ortherwise, QM could care less about the presence or absence of humans. We are not that important in the larger scheme of things.

t1nick Level 8 May 1, 2020

Hmmm..... I think it is important because of the impact that fully committing to these interpretations might have on a person when the ideas are not only fully understood, but misconceived.

I am trying to guide my cousin through concepts that may affect how they perceive the world..... There is potential that the world view they leave our conversation with may affect their emotional state, and ultimately I would like this to be an opportunity to enrich their lives and help make it a little happier if possible.

I think there is a lot of value that can come about when understanding something new; an "endorphin rush of enlightenment", or that "blissful aha moment".

You know, like the joy Archimedes felt when he, "proclaimed 'Eureka! Eureka!' after he had stepped into a bath and noticed that the water level rose.... and then, allegedly, became "so eager to share his discovery that he leapt out of his bathtub and ran naked through the streets of Syracuse." []


Nothing about quantum mechanics seems reasonable to me.


. . . "Does it seem reasonable that you can alter a quantum system just by looking at it?"

Opening the (Schrödinger) box is significantly more that simply 'looking at it'


If energy can not be created or destroyed (just change form) if you split reality in two by an observation or decision, have you doubled the energy in the system?

@AtheistInNC based on my understanding of the topic, the concept of splitting reality in two basically comes from applying the Copenhagen understanding to the concept of Many Worlds. In the case of Many Worlds there is no state function collapse and therefore no energy doubling in the system. Instead, the energy always existed in Many Worlds. It is the Observer that travels down a path of a particular world that is already existing.

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