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Looking forward to tomorrows launch.

I kind of feel like a kid again watching the Apollo flights.
TristanNuvo 8 May 26
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I live on the beach about 100 miles southward...I'll be watching for the contrails! Oh...and let me add...this is Elon Musk's baby....he's the CEO of SpaceX...the prime maker and operator of this launch....and yes...his main occupation is []

Robecology Level 9 May 26, 2020

I lived in Daytona back in the 90's. You could see and hear that from there. But we still took a short drive down to titusville for a better look a few times, which is right by Merritt Island . Videos just can't capture just how loud and bright those launches really are. You feel that in your bones so to speak.


Heck yeah!! I really hope they designed these ships right. Hell, I'm not to old to take a trip out there. 😉😀

I'd go to if I could.


It's about time. The US never should have retired the Shuttles until we had a replacement way to get there, instead of relying on the Russians.

I hope it goes without a hitch.

bingst Level 8 May 26, 2020

I agree. If it does go smooth, it could usher in a whole new era for the US, and spaceflight.

@TristanNuvo We'll be back to a modernized Apollo platform.

I miss having big dreams.

I would have thought there'd be hotels on the moon by now!

@TristanNuvo This is a big deal, to bad trump gets the credit for being president during the flight. But that is a small price to pay for such a large leap. We have to get into space and expand our footprint. We are at the beginning and once we can mine asteroids, we will have access to a plethora of minerals and we should be able to create many things that can make the economy go again. We need to keep the manufacturing for this in the US.

@RavenCT I know what you mean. Watching SpaceX has me in wonder just like I was when I was a kid, and I love that.

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Posted by SergeTafCamExciting times.

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