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I can't get over at just how much I feel like a kid again watching this. I'm keeping this feed open in a corner of my desktop all damn day. Don't want to miss a thing.

TristanNuvo 8 May 27
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Sorry rocket, SpaceX, NASA and Tesla fans; the launch has been postponed until Saturday;


Robecology Level 9 May 27, 2020

Yeah. I was pissed at first. But given how important this launch is, and what it means. a couple of days really isn't that bad.


Fucking Florida weather. Ugh. Been glued to this feed all day just to see an abort.


Even Captain Kirk gave his blessings. lol. too cool. Seems a lot of people are glued to this feed.


ooooo, they just got into dragon, getting seated.

Hatch is closed!


I just snuck out of the OR to check in. Should be off the clock by launch time, but if not, the doc I'm working with said we can put it on in the room. Not missing this!

Amzungu Level 8 May 27, 2020

Awesome. yeah. The weather has been a bit iffy today, but they still think it should be on time. either way, i'm not missing a thing


I didn't know a live stream could be embedded.

bingst Level 8 May 27, 2020

I wasn't sure either. I have tried to post NASA feeds before, but they just didn't work. Seems they must have figured out how.

@TristanNuvo At 4:02, I'm getting a bit excited, and... worried about the weather.

@bingst At first I was all NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but then I gave pause to the fact that this was probably the 30th time I've seen a launch get pushed to another time or date. So. Saturday isn't that far off.


Love this

bobwjr Level 10 May 27, 2020
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