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Masks work

AtheistInNC 7 Aug 12
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Surgical masks have worked for over 100 years since ciourgeons teeth pullers and embalmers admitted to "germ theory" but only to protect others from the wearer


It's amazing how things that have been accepted fact for generations can suddenly become opinions. How long have surgeons and dentists been wearing masks as an unquestioned safe and effecting way of reducing the likelihood of them passing on germs to others in a vulnerable position? Then suddenly when certain truth twisters are asked to do the same it becomes an opinion that maybe they don't work, maybe they're even harmful. I'm not sure if the people spouting this nonsense believe it, or even have an opinion of whether it's true. Surely no-one can be that dumb, surely it's the meaningless mantra of the sort of selfish egoist who hates being asked to do anything for someone else's benefit.

MattHardy Level 7 Aug 14, 2020

Next time anyone comes near me with a lit propane torch and a spray can of fire starter, I will DEFINITELY wear a mask.

Coffeo Level 8 Aug 13, 2020

Looks good for masks

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 12, 2020

Apart from math, science doesn't PROVE anything. There is always doubt/error-bars/new-ideas. It can disprove things. Some folks likely will never be persuaded, no matter how much convincing evidence is shown.

But, as the video indicates, you can get an idea of the porosity of the mask using the ether spray

@AtheistInNC . . . no doubt persuasive/convincing. Proof is for juries (or math), not science -- things change -- ask Isaac Newton 🙂

@FearlessFly Not sure why you are emphasizing "proof" when the word is only mentioned in YOUR replies. I didn't say this video "proves" anything.

Are you secretly an anti-masker who is butthurt that the video indicates strongly that mask wearing is effective? I can't see another reason for you jumping up and down saying, "it doesn't PROVE anything!"

Also, your advice to ask a dead person for information has "proved" fruitless. He didn't answer.

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