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I found this interesting and I would also put them in my top 5 but not necessarily in the same order given. So, should it have added any additional things?

The 5 Greatest Blunders in the History of Science: []

gsiamne 8 Aug 27
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An interesting list, but the article’s author did not say how he evaluated the blunders. How did he decide that N-rays deserved first place in his list, the earth’s age second place, etc?

Suppose first place is determined by the amount of money spent in attempts to explain or justify the blunder before responsible authorities acknowlege the blunder.

Fritz Zwicky needed more gravity to keep a galaxy’s most distant regions from escaping the gravitational attraction of its central mass. He imagined dark matter.

In more than eighty years, no American or European astrophysicist has reported finding the dark matter, nor has a responsible authority called a halt to the search and stopped the spending.

I don’t know the Russian language and have seen no translations of the work of Russian astrophysicists, but in miscellaneous short passages I’ve seen that they are not looking for dark matter or anything else that Americans or Europeans are seeking.

yvilletom Level 8 Sep 21, 2020

I know Einstein didn't like the cosmological constant - but didn't it come back into favour?

MattHardy Level 7 Aug 28, 2020

. . . maybe not in the top 5, but the 'aether' -- falsifed by Michelson-Morley was notable also.



bobwjr Level 10 Aug 27, 2020
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