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Following up on my previous post on nuclear energy:

It seems that people generally favor conventional renewable sources (solar, wind etc) over nuclear because of the issues involved in disposing nuclear waste. The following arguments are generally made in favor of nuclear energy.

  1. Nuclear energy is a green source, as far as GHG emissions are concerned. So, it beats fossil fuels.
  2. It can be controlled, unlike solar/wind. Availability of solar power varies in time and space. It is not the always sunniest when and where the most energy is demanded. For ex, in winter, insolation is low, but demand for heating goes high. Wind energy is also concentrated in around areas that are low in power demand. These inadequacies can be addressed by effective energy storage options which currently do not exist, not in a cost-effective manner.
  3. It has the capacity. This is in comparison to hydroelectric power, which is a great renewable source, but is limited in amount of power it can generate. Also, the availability depends on geography.

Regarding nuclear waste disposal, there is active research on partitioning and transmutation (P&T) (see link attached) to mitigate long term radiological hazards. These can also address the proliferation challenges. Further, thorium based reactors are supposed to be non-weapon facilities.
So, nuclear energy, in my opinion is a serious option for replacing fossil fuels, at least in the short term. Once we ave figured out optimizing renewable sources and energy storage options, we can get rid of nuclear energy.


Spongebob 7 Oct 1
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With the efficiency of hydro, wind and solar increasing, nuclear shouldn’t even be considered. We really need to work on energy storage (city batteries).

Marz Level 7 Oct 2, 2018

There are also new revolutionary reactor designs available. The Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island type reactors will never be built again.


Thank you for sharing this link! It is very informative.


My feeling is that all nuclear power plants should be shutdown until there is a viable and safe way to deal with the waste. Here in Georgia, two reactors are being added to Plant Vogtle in the southeast, as I hear the reporting the only new reactors in the country. It's highly controversial, due to time and cost overruns, and safety concerns.

I think there are technologies in the renewable sector that aren't being considered here. The first that comes to mind is that hydroelectric dams can be recharged from excess power. Another similar idea for a storage option is compressed air. Two, we can switch from burning coal to burning biomass. Surely not ideal, but it is renewable. I'm aware that wood pellets are being made here in GA and shipped to such plants in Europe.

bingst Level 8 Oct 1, 2018

This is rather eye-popping information. []

When I've gone down the renewable energy rabbit hole in the past, I've often been surprised at what technology is available, as well as dismayed by how little of it is in widespread use, if in use at all.

@bingst yes, there are many exciting options available, but can we realize them in time and at the scale required to minimize our dependence on fossil fuels? In the long term we have to go for renewable sources. But, since the technology is still not adequate, it is better to switch to nuclear for a while. That's my opinion!

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