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fancy foot work

Lukian 8 Nov 25
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Interesting AND adorable!


Always a thought of mine. Each species is able to comprehend a specific frames per second. The human is limited relative to these birds. The only reality one sees is the one reality the brain is capable of .

EMC2 Level 8 Nov 25, 2018

It is sort of similar to when we are in an auto accident. We see all the direct,coming at us, detail is real time and yet it is so much detail to comprehend. Our brain must focus and with that we shut down our peripheral vision. Ergo we see the world in every day terms of peripheral and direct vision. But when we are in extreme danger we may actually see the bird dance steps.

@Mortal yep our brain warps time so that our senses can coordinate together. It is hypothesized that Schizophrenia stems from the inability of the brain to warp time or some malfunction in time management.

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