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Does the delayed choice experiment indicate time travel?

MrControversy 7 Mar 1
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what a load of crap. lets see the maths, you don't provide the maths, not some fancy video


I presume you are referring to this:

from what I gather, it indicates that the past can be influenced by the future which is not necessary time travel but an indication that there is no arrow of time at the quantum level.
Lukian Level 8 Mar 3, 2019

Time travel isn't possible...

@TheMiddleWay OK.. Are you implying that someone can go to a certain time period in their lives... Physically... And have a visit? Or start over? Or change .. Anything? I like star trek...sure.. But it's fictional...

@TheMiddleWay Cutie is absolutely right - time travel is a physical impossibility. Time is a constant, we experience time - we don't move through time.

@TheMiddleWay - its silly.

@TheMiddleWay No point in arguing with @gater. He knows it all, like the Pope.

@Coffeo lol - like the pope?

@TheMiddleWay as I stated, its an impossibility. if you think time travel is possible, then you don't understand time.

@TheMiddleWay because I understand the nature of time - you clearly don't. time is a constant, it does not slow or stop, there was no beginning of time, there will be no end. also, time passes at the same rate everywhere in the universe. and - if you travel at the speed of light, or faster - you will age just as if you were standing on earth. there are so many misconceptions about time, its truly amazing.

@TheMiddleWay no - I completely understand time and space. both are infinite, no beginning of time, no end of space - that will never change.

@TheMiddleWay As I said, you are wasting your time. @gater knows it all.

@TheMiddleWay no - no way, false results, flawed study.

@TheMiddleWay 'Starting to'? It was pretty clear when you asked @gater how he interpreted the Ringbauer et. al. experiments. His response: 'I didn't look at it.' Says it all for me.

@Coffeo lol you guys are funny. time is a constant, no need for debate. if you don't believe that, you are living in a fantasy.

@Coffeo I don't know it all, but when it comes to laws governing time and space - yeah - I do know it all.

@TheMiddleWay I do respect you, but you lack the logic to know what ive been saying is true. so I will read the Rossi -Hall experiment, and explain to you where the flaws are - alright?

@TheMiddleWay rossi hall is just time dilation. time dilation does not effect time - only devices. it essentially says gravity effects devices that measure time, and if you take this in to account you get more accurate gps readings. really? you don't understand the difference from time dilation and time? I suppose it should be called clock dilation to avoid confusion.

@TheMiddleWay let me ask you something - in the equation e=mc2, c stands for the speed of light, and its considered a constant. so my question - how can it be a constant when it is effected by gravity? doesn't gravity slow it down slightly?

@gater Arguing with you is as pointless as arguing with a religious fundamentalist. I guess I'd better just shut up.

@Coffeo if you have an argument, i'll listen - then i'll explain to you where you are wrong.

@TheMiddleWay "time dilation does not effect time - only devices"
In the Rossi-Hall experiment, the device (the clock) is not what is affected. The muon is detected where it shouldn't be (classicaly) exactly because time has slowed down for it relative to us. - this proves nothing.

@TheMiddleWay you are a bright guy, but you lack logic skills.

@TheMiddleWay it proves nothing about time. you may know about quantum physics, but you clearly don't understand the nature of time and space.

@TheMiddleWay You are not getting anywhere with @gater. If you think it worth continuing, you might ask him how come he knows so bloody much about time and space.

@TheMiddleWay, @Coffeo it must be crushing to your egos to learn that some guy from agnostic has a far greater understanding of time and space than you science nerds. even cutiebeauty called bullshit on your theory. when you understand - you know. when you don't understand, you theorize.

@TheMiddleWay I do - you don't - I don't need any silly theories

@gater My ego remains entirely uncrushed. I just do not believe you understand what you think you understand. I'm quite happy with that.

@Coffeo how would you know what I understand? maybe because you don't understand and your ego refuses you to believe that theres someone out there has a greater understanding than you. but don't feel bad, Einstein didn't understand time either.

@TheMiddleWay except you are the one posting theories that you think might be true. I don't post theories about time - I state facts about time. as I stated earlier - when you know the truth about something, you don't need theories.

@gater There are plenty of people who have a better understanding than I do. You're not one of them.

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