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Cool idea! With this app, my pool has it's unique address. Not sure how it work for multi-story buildings though. Be careful not to say what your 3 words are at your location unless you want to tell everybody where you live

Addressing the world
what3words is a really simple way to talk about location. We have divided the world into a grid of 3m x 3m squares and assigned each one a unique 3 word address. It means anyone can accurately find any location and share it more quickly, easily and with less ambiguity than any other system.

The service can be used via the free mobile app or online map. It can also be built into any other app, platform or website, with just a few lines of code.


Lukian 8 Mar 4
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This has been floating around for a few years. I don't see it gaining traction in the US, in other countries maybe.

I see this being taken up by private businesses. Domino's has accepted the formula in Sint Maarten i.e. you will be able to order a pizza to your beach chair that does not have an actual address. []


Do others know people like this:
My brother, an avid TRump supporter and Catholic claims the democrats or satan want to chip all of us.
My brother buys the latest I phone, never is not away from his phone, loves technical gadgets and then I tell him you are already chipped.
But the BS continues on down the road.

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 4, 2019

Hell if I find myself needing this type of app to find friends, shoot me. Find yourself first and the rest follows.

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 4, 2019

So wtf would work I expect..???

Jamespuck Level 7 Mar 4, 2019

I expect that if people are smart, just about everyone would give their location at 'wtf'.

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