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I have a few questions about...
Brownian Motion
The erratic random movement of microscopic particles in a fluid, as a result of continuous bombardment from molecules of the surrounding medium.

All the explainations/definitions I've seen say something like the above; that the movement is "random".
But is it not predictable? And therefor not random at all? Is it not (simplistically speaking) like pool balls (maybe even different sizes) hitting each other on a pool table? Calculable and predictable??
What am I missing?

scurry 9 Apr 19
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To predict such movement you would have to be aware of all properties of involved molecules. I wonder if the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle would demonstrate such detailed knowledge is not possible.

Ah... Ok.
Thanks very much for your comment. More to look into. Much appreciated.


How does not predictable mean not random?

Some studies on Brownian motion: []


Not quite as predictable. Complex Systems (Chaos) Theorist have some algorithms that do a pretty good job. But it is not so predictable that you can create an exact repitition of the previous model, molecule by molecule. Enough randomness to always be different.

t1nick Level 8 Apr 19, 2019

Hmm. That makes sense. Thanks very much.


You're confused with the terms complicated and complex:
Building a helicopter from parts is complicated but doable i.e. predictable
Something complex is very difficult to predict the outcome
A problem is termed complex when it has interrelated, interdependent parts and has features and parts that are constantly changing and unpredictable.


Lukian Level 8 Apr 19, 2019

I believe, not certain but Einstein showed Brownian movement to diffuse in the space or volume it was contained in. Though chaotic the overall effect is we can predict the thermal movement and that is fast.

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 19, 2019

Thanks for the reply. I think I understand... Individual movement not so predictable, but overall effect can be predicted, at least in a general sense.


You're missing a lot actually....... pool table events are macroscopic, therefore predictable. Particles are so mind boggling small that nature behaves differently at those tiny levels. In other words, you are not comparing apples to apples here. Now, on a serious question though.... are you serious?

IamNobody Level 8 Apr 19, 2019

As a matter of fact, I was asking seriously.
How do you learn new things?
Do you not ask questions??
Also, ya, I know there's a difference in sizes, although I'm not sure you know the difference between gracious & helpful vs. condescending & insensitive.
So thanks for your reply, although I could have done without the attitude.

@scurry To your point, I wasn't sure if you were serious, therefore I had to ask.


Chaos theory?

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 19, 2019
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