7 8

Hi all, I will be suspending or deleting my account here in a week or so. That means this group will need a new owner. If you wish to take responsibility for this group then send me a PM. I will reply in a couple of days to the one that will become the new owner. If nobody shows any interest, the Admin will contact the most senior member of the group to transfer the credentials.

Lukian 8 May 17
You must be a member of this group before commenting. Join Group

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.


thanks for the time to do this. Good luck. 🙂

Davekp Level 8 May 17, 2019

I’ll miss you. I’m not a scientist by trade or I’d take this group. Can I ask that you PM me (it make available here) any viable alternatives to that you’re aware of? I’ve noticed a significant backwards slide as of late in the quality of the software.

I permanently deleted my FB account and haven’t looked back. No regerts! 😘 Happy trails!

trails there will be. As for the mood? I'm looking for fulfillment


I'm saddened you're leaving. I understand it though. Many have wrestled with that.

I hope it's temporary - but that lies in your hands.

I wish you well and your voice here will be greatly missed. I've enjoyed your postings and comments tremendously. ❤

RavenCT Level 9 May 17, 2019

thank you.


I just joined to say that I am grateful for the interaction I've had with you in other groups. I've enjoyed your posts and comments, your criticism when given, and mostly your reason. You've made enlightening and informative contributions.

I implore you to take a sabbatical without permanently deleting your account, and.hopefully you'll find your way back. Until then; go with god(s) or the imaginary friend of your choice, perhaps Snuffleupagus.

JimG Level 8 May 17, 2019

(speechless - I have not decided the extent of my departure yet. Also, I am not soliciting praise hence the reason I am keeping my post short and to the point)

@Lukian I know you didn't make this post to leave with a dramatic flare or to garner compliments. Hell, I would never give you praise if I suspected that you were seeking it. 😀

@JimG that actually made me go ha!. Thanks

@Lukian you're welcome.


I've seen many community members delete or suspend their accounts thinking they won't be back... Guess what? Many come back and regret their decision... I suggest you leave your account as is and just don't log in for awhile...

I doubt I will come back since I have no members here that are friends outside of here but there are also other factors that has reduce my participation in the past 6 months or so and are pushing me to leave.


You'll be missed

thank you


Two questions;

  1. why are you suspending/deleting?
  2. What are the responsibilities/perks of being the 'new owner'?
Robecology Level 9 May 17, 2019
  1. I no longer have the time nor do I have the spark to continue my posting and comments.

  2. very little. You get points when members join your group. Lately you have the power to flag for deletion posts. You can ban members from posting here. (I have never banned any member)

@Lukian I can understand not having the time and I don't know all the rules and regulations concerning the site and i'm not into the points . Living in rural bible belt I really don't know many nonbelievers this is a safe place for discussion . I will miss your posts and hope you will return some time if not have a good life .

@Lukian You're 55...I'm a retired and healthy 73...and if the responsibility falls on me I'll accept it...but I'm not volunteering. I'm on the computer too much as it family and lover hate my obsession with it!

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